Villa La Angostura | Art of Living Australia

Villa La Angostura

Art of Living volunteers help to rebuilt and clean Villa La Angostura, the town burried in ashes

Since the Puyehue vulcano, located in the Chilean slope of the Andes mountain range in southern tip of Latin America, erupted last year, destroying forests and towns, closing airports for months and leaving people without homes, several cities from Argentina were buried under ashes. This natural disaster caused not only economic chaos but also stress and anxiety to thousands.

In June 2011 Villa La Angostura, one of the most beautiful resorts on the slopes of the Andes mountain range, was declared a disaster zone.

The Art of Living volunteers, took responsibility and travelled over 1300 kilometers to Patagonia to start cleaning and helping. Busses were hired, funds, food, tents, medicine and clothes collects and service work started.

As result of these first campaign Art of Living courses, Breath Water Sound program and meditations were given to the suffering. Entire families lost their jobs and belongings. The lack of food added to the problems and the food provided by the Art of Living was a great relieve.

The 3-day Breath Water Sound workshop was taught to almost the whole town. Public meditations take place in the open air for the township, and the cleaning process continues. 



  • More than 1500 people benefited from the help

  • 3 schools were reopen

  • The hospital was assisted

  • Central Administration was helped

  • Large donations given 

  • Many homes cleaned 



  • In the month of November Art of Living was declared as a program of Municipal Interest

  • 300 more people benefited from the aid

  • 100 volunteers move to the area

  • Many more donations offered



  • Art of Living takes permanent presence in Villa La Angostura

  • A Garden Festival was organized on behalf of Art of Living

  • Public guided meditation s

  • Open public BWS courses and training to make more BWS teachers


And this is only the beginning! People in celebration and gratitude thank Gurudev for the guidance!


Join us in this project:

In Villa La Angostura: (+54) (2944) 70-6500

In Buenos Aires: (+54) (11) 5254-3543