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  1. Guruji … (a member of the audience asked this question. It was inaudible.)

    Why should we not? Listen, now why should we have so many types of vegetables? You should have had only one egg plant. You should have asked why there are so many types of fruits. There are grapes, oranges, so many types of oranges, so many types of banana ...
  2. Gurudev, in deep meditation can we sleep?

    Yes it is okay. In deep meditation sometimes tandra comes and you fall asleep, never mind. Wake up and do a little more pranayam. Today, did you feel every cell waking up? (Many answer YES). How many of you felt your body became so light? ...
  3. What is the difference between Avtaar and Guru?

    You tell me the definition, what is Avtaar, what is a Guru? You define both, then I will give you the difference. You know names and names, we give meaning to it. Whatever meaning we give a thing,that is what they become. ...
  4. How to bring naturalness (sahajta) in daily life?

    How did you bring un-naturalness(asahajta), first tell me this? You were born natural. Naturalness has been with us since birth. Where did this asahajta come in, observe this and give it up! We feel at ease only when others praise us, approve of our work. ...
  5. Gurudev, Ashtavakraji had said, ‘You are free at this very moment’. Then why do we need to do yoga, aasan, praanayam, gyan, Advanced course?

    : He said in the very first mantra, ‘Worship truth like Amrit (ambrosia)’ and Advanced course is the union with truth. The truth is, our breath is flowing, our body is functioning. Between these two there is something: the union with ‘I am nothing’. It is ...
  6. I have many brilliant ideas for doing seva, but I don’t know how to go about implementing them. Also because I am not good at team work, I don’t know how to ask for help from other people.

    Listen, don’t label yourself as,' I am not good at team work'. If you are not good at team work, then they will make you here. This is the opportunity for you. Accept people as they are and get into a team. Get into somebody’s team, whatever ...
  7. The more dispassionate you are, the more the power of Sankalpa comes to you

    Dear Guruji, when you say I am different from the body I understand that, but when you say I am different from the mind I do not understand that. How am I different from my mind? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Okay, now are you your thoughts or the thoughts are you ...
  8. Q: Dear Guruji, when you say I am different from the body I understand that, but when you say I am different from the mind I do not understand that. How am I different from my mind?

    Gurudev: Okay, now are you your thoughts or the thoughts are yours? Mind means thoughts. Thoughts come and they go. So many thoughts come and so many thoughts go. Many you agree and many you disagree and those you agree, later on, you disagree with thos ...
  9. Newsflash

    Guruji gave a surprise visit to Bangalore by coming earlier than the expected date of arrival. Satsang took on a festive color. After several bhajans and few verses of the Bhagvad Gita (15th chapter),Guruji enquired about the TTC participants and led every ...
  10. Gurudev, when we are doing our practices kriya and meditation together, are we affected by other people’s negativity and bad karmas?

    No, no, no, absolutely not. Don’t worry. If you feel like you are getting affected by somebody’s depression or somebody’s negative energy, just say Om NamahShivaya a few times. It’s gone. It can happen. When people are so depressed and are not in proper sh ...