First Step - Introduction

First Step - Introduction

An intensive one hour introductory lecture and workshop to Part 1 course

A unique opportunity to hear more about the benefits of breathing and SKY - Sudarshan Kriya Yoga and about some of the mind's tendencies, resulting in stress in our lives.
Learn a practical breathing technique that raises your energy level and cleans waste products out. Try a guided meditation and enjoy your five levels of existence.

Art of Living Course (Part 1)

Inside you is a large, untapped potential, waiting to be discovered. Through Art of Living course, this potential can be set free, and you get a bigger vision of who you are. Experience the Sudarshan Kriya ®, a powerful technique that uses specific natural rhythms to set you free. As an Art of Living course participant will learn to master the more practical and powerful tools that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

The Art of Meditation Course: Sahaj Samadhi

The Art of Meditation also known as Sahaj Samadhi is a powerful effortless technique that allows your conscious mind to experience the silent depths of your own nature. Sahaj-which in Sanskrit means effortless and Samadhi is the silent yet lively state of consciousness that lies at the source of thought - a state without waking, sleeping and dreaming. It is an unlimited reservoir of energy, intelligence and creative force and a place of infinite peace and quiet. During your AOM practice the mind will effortlessly experience this state of Samadhi. After your meditation, you will find that you have a "saltwater injection" with those qualities of energy, clearer thinking, creativity, and perhaps most importantly, deep inner peace.

yes + course

yes +, directed specifically to college students, allowing one to experience the vast, untapped potential within yourself. During yes + is this potential is set free, and you get a greater insight into who you are and what you want in your life. Experience the Sudarshan Kriya ®, a powerful technique that uses specific natural rhythms to get you set free. You will find that you have the strength to create a joyful life that has purpose, confidence / trust is to increase and grow beyond limiting ideas and beliefs.


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