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  1. Gurudev, I remember the story of a movie I saw ten years back. Yet I forget the knowledge I heard yesterday. How come?

    Never mind. Knowledge will come from time to time when it is needed, and then you forget it also. Forgetfulness is also bliss. You should not carry all the knowledge; it is too heavy on the head.You know, knowledge is also like soap. In the Bhagavad ...
  2. What is hell? Why was it created? When the creator gives so much love, why would He create, or allow the creation of something like hell?

    I have never seen hell, so I can’t say that He has created one!Let us see this from a knowledge perspective.There are two types of knowledge; one is based on Chemistry, and the other on Quantum Physics.Chemistry, ...
  3. Gurudev, how can one live one’s life without self-inflicted guilt and the guilt inflicted by others on us?

    You are in the right place. Just know this, guilt is like the dust on our clothes, or on our skin. So what do you do? You wash it with a little soap and water. Knowledge is the soap, and meditation is the water. So with both meditation and knowledge, yo ...
  4. Why do we cry when deep knowledge is assimilated? It happens to me when I listen to you Gurudev, and your words?

    Yes. In the scriptures it is written, what happens when you see your beloved, when love is kindled in you, the knot in your heart opens up, all the doubts disappear and tears flow from your eyes. These are the signs that happen when the heart opens up, and ...
  5. Gurudev, every sip of knowledge given by you is very juicy.  It is easy to digest too. Could you please talk a little on Yoga Vasishta in a simple manner?

    This is like asking to contain the ocean in a pot. Next to impossible. Yoga Vasistha is like the sky, like the ocean, you know. Time and again you should explore it yourself. It is self explanatory. It is more mystical and very symbolic too. Self is ...
  6. Gurudev, how should we handle the love and concern of the other people, if at one point we feel it has become excess for us?

    Sometimes it is difficult to even take love, let alone give love. If you say, ‘I love you so much’, to somebody, they don’t know how to respond to it. They look back like a pale dog, ‘Okay, you love me so much, now what?’ The mind is used to dwelling ...
  7. Gurudev, when I teach, I teach from the space of ‘I know’. But in reality, sometimes I don’t know. I am a seeker, how to be in the ‘I know’ and ‘I want to know’ at the same time. How to teach and remain a seeker at the same time?

    You know some things, at the same time, you don’t know many other things. It is as simple as that. Whatever you know, you convey with certainty, and whatever you don’t know, you simply wait in the hollow and empty space. <br> Life ...
  8. Gurudev, we can see mistake of others very easily, but keep on repeating our mistakes as we don’t see them. Many times we are not able to apply knowledge on ourselves, but we give knowledge very easily to others. Why is it so?

    That is a good realization. Once we recognize that we are not applying the knowledge. Once we realize it then we start turning around. Do you know why mistakes are tempting? It is because we think we are going to get some great pleasure and joy out ...
  9. Why do we cry when deep knowledge is assimilated? It happens to me when I listen to you Gurudev, and your words?

    Yes. In the scriptures it is written, what happens when you see your beloved, when love is kindled in you, the knot in your heart opens up, all the doubts disappear and tears flow from your eyes. These are the signs that happen when the heart opens up, ...
  10. Gurudev, you say that two questions will be asked in the end, how much love we gave, and how much knowledge we took? I have always taken love and given knowledge. What will be my fate now?

    At least you have understood this much! All this time you have enjoyed giving knowledge, now start taking knowledge and giving love. How much ever love you have received, give more than that to other, and you are done. The car has taken a 'U' turn th ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More