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  1. Sometimes I feel very lonely. I really don’t know what to do to get rid of this. I need someone to support me and someone on whom I can rely on. But no one is ready for 100% commitment. What to do?

    Any companionship when it goes from a place of wanting or lack, to contributing, it is long lasting. You came into this world all alone. Even if you are born twins, you are alone. When you go from here, you are going to go alone. Do not try to run away ...
  2. The Greatest Happiness

    Gurudev, I understand spiritual practices are to meet God, but that is not my motive. I want to excel in life and in my career. How can spirituality help me do that? Why does spirituality suggest one generic solution to all of life’s problems. Sri Sri Rav ...
  3. Gurudev, I am studying the Vedanta. Could you talk about the Nyaya Shastra (science of logic or reasoning)?

    Nyaya implies — the means of knowing; weather your knowledge and the means by which you gained the knowledge is correct or not. Again, it’s a great intellectual debate. There are sixteen principles of Nyaya ...
  4. Dear Gurudev, when Buddha talked about giving up the world, what was his aim? Did he mean that we have to go away from the world?

    You must always see the context. If you talk about Buddha and what he said, then you should not forget to whom he spoke and what was the state of affairs at that time in the society he was in. Similarly if you want to talk about Jesus, or Mohammed, or a ...
  5. Gurudev, you have compared religion and spirituality to a banana and its peel. Isn’t the banana peel important to protect the banana inside?

    Correct! Religion has its place. I am not a communist or an atheist who would say religion should be done away with. But what is the point of having a skin if there is no banana inside? If there is no substance, no human values, no compassio ...
  6. Gurudev, you have said, “Excitement of achievement can make us loose our centeredness”. Obviously, you would not want us to underachieve. What is the way to be an achiever and be centered?

    That you have to figure out. I would say 3 C’s would help.1. Context to life. When you see your life in a bigger context, you will be so amazed that things will shift naturally inside you. In this huge universe with bill ...
  7. Gurudev, friendship seems to have an expiry date. My school friends are not in touch with me anymore. Is there any relationship that doesn’t have an expiry date?

    Your connection to yourself has no expiry date. If you are friendly then anyone who comes in front of you, you become friendly with them. You exuberate friendliness and that has no expiry date. Nor does it have any manufacturing date. ...
  8. Gurudev, I understand spiritual practices are to meet God, but that is not my motive. I want to excel in life and in my career. How can spirituality help me do that? Why does spirituality suggest one generic solution to all of life’s problems.

    See, when you are hungry, the only way to satisfy hunger is to eat. If you say, “I am thirsty”, there is just one solution to quench the thirst, you need to drink liquids. But what type of liquid you should drink? I say you have many choices ...
  9. True Happiness Is Within You!

    Gurudev, the senses are limited yet our desire to enjoy is unlimited. Please speak on this. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: This is the problem! The capacity of the senses to enjoy is limited but the desire in the mind is unlimited. This discrepancy between wanting ...
  10. Gurudev, could you give me reason why faith gets shaken during difficult times in life?

    Faith remains in you. Faith is in the center core, and doubt is only on the circumference. They sometimes come like clouds and obscure you, but they really cannot destroy the faith. ...