Free Introductory Session

Free Introductory Sessions

Did you know that learning breathing techniques allows us to dissolve stress and negative emotions, calm the mind, and uplift our energy​?

Come and join us for a free ​introductory ​session on how you can tangibly impact your physical and mental health​ and effortlessly reconnect to the one inexhaustible source of joy: You. Inside you there is a huge range of possibilities waiting to be discovered!


Find more about the benefits gained by the courses listed below:

The Art of Living Happiness Program

Within you lies vast, untapped possibilities waiting to be discovered. Through the Art of Living Happiness Program this potential is set free and you gain a greater vision of who you are. Experience Sudarshan Kriya®, a powerful technique that uses specific, natural rhythms to get you unstuck.  As an Art of Living Course participant you will learn to master several practical and powerful tools that will benefit you for the rest of your life. 

The Art of Meditation Course: Sahaj Samadhi Meditation

The Art of Meditation also known as Sahaj Samadhi Meditation is a powerful yet effortless technique that allows the conscious mind to experience the silent depths of its own nature. Sahaj – in Sanskrit, means effortless and Samadhi is the silent yet lively state of awareness that lies at the source of thought – a state beyond waking, sleeping and dreaming. It is an unlimited reservoir of energy, intelligence and creative power and a place of infinite peace and tranquility. During your AOM practice the mind effortlessly experiences this state of Samadhi. Upon finishing your meditation you will find that you feel infused with these qualities of energy, clearer thinking, creativity and perhaps most importantly, deep inner peace.

The Art of Silence Course: Part 2

The Art of Living Advanced Program usually offered in residence and provides optimal conditions for going deep within, quieting our mental chatter, and experiencing profound rest and inner silence. This course builds upon the Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique offered in the Art of Living (Part 1) program.

The practice of silence – of consciously withdrawing our energy and attention from outer distractions has been used in different traditions throughout time as a pathway to physical, mental, and spiritual renewal. By participating in various course processes specifically designed to take us beyond our usually active minds, we experience an extraordinary sense of peace and renewed vitality that we carry home with us and into daily lives.

Upcoming Art of Living Courses

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