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  1. Gurudev, how can I free myself from thoughts, emotions and feelings and how can I get detached from all relationships?

    Why do you want to detach yourself from relationship? Because it gives you pain, isn’t it. Why does it give pain? Because you do not have a broad vision of life. All relationships are for a few days, few months, few years, but life is much bigger, so ...
  2. Do we create our reality or is everything predetermined?

    Do you have a dog at home? (Answer: Yes) See, when you go to the park, you go with a leash on the dog. That is legal. Now, the dog has freedom only for the length of the leash. Correct? It can sit very close to where the leash is, or go ...
  3. Gurudev, what is moksha?

    You go ask children how they feel the day their exams are over. They toss all their books and give a big sigh. ‘It is over now, finished!’ That is moksha. One day, in your mind when such a relief comes, ‘Yes I a ...
  4. Everyone wants liberation. But in this 21st century, what should one do to attain liberation?

    Yes, every one desires for freedom! There is a limit to enjoying pleasures, after that limit is reached then the desire for freedom starts arising. For example, if you ask someone to eat ten parathas (flat breads) he won’t be able to do so. After ...
  5. What is the way to liberation?

    You are at the right place and listening to the right words. Only the one who is liberated can liberate you. Are you getting what I am saying? ...
  6. How do we get freedom from the cycle of birth and death?

    The moment you get the desire to be free, you will start moving in that direction. ...
  7. Gurudev, you tell us to seek mukti (liberation) in life. How can I seek something without tasting it? Isn’t it just blind faith?

    See, don’t you want freedom? A sort of inner freedom where you feel so content and happy. That is mukti. You know it somewhere deep inside, but what clouds it is one desire after another and so on. One desire gets fulfilled and another desire comes. S ...
  8. Gurudev, you said that one should have strength, skill, devotion and liberation. Please explain the role of each.

    First you feel free. With freedom comes love. If you feel that you are restricted and bound then you won’t feel the dedication or love. So first you should feel freedom from within. Inner freedom brings love and dedication. With that comes the stre ...
  9. Dear Guruji, how can I find my way home to myself?

    Who is asking this? Let go! What are you holding on to? You are home! Wake up! Wake up, it is your cravings, which is giving you an illusion that you are far away from your home. And what are the cravings – for pleasure, for recognition. And what did ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More