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  1. How do we find balance?

    Through Meditation. Today scientists say, if you meditate even for eight weeks at least once a day, the grey matter in the brain increases and the structure of the brain changes. That's what I have been saying for the last 35-40 years. Today scientists ...
  2. When everything is changing then how can it still be meaningful.

    Everything is changing and that change is meaningful. Everything is changing, and there is something which is not changing. And the changing and non-changing are two sides of the same coin. The non-changing has become the changing, that is the meaning o ...
  3. I want to be 'Sthita Pragna' not get drifted by cravings and aversions. What should I do?

    The moment you recognize that there is craving and aversion, I am getting disturbed by it and I don't want to be disturbed by it, you are already on track. See, when a person wakes up from sleep, only then he realizes, "Oh, I was sleeping!" In ...
  4. I want to be 'Sthita Pragna' not get drifted by cravings and aversions. What should I do?

    The moment you recognize that there is craving and aversion, I am getting disturbed by it and I don't want to be disturbed by it, you are already on track. See, when a person wakes up from sleep, only then he realizes, "Oh, I was sleeping!" In ...
  5. How to balance excellence and dispassion?

    Whenever you are out of balance, it pinches you. Listen to the pinch, that's all. If you have too much passion and no dispassion, you will lose night's sleep. When you cannot do anything, you cannot meditate and passion catches you like a fever, then re ...
  6. Where do you strike the balance between ambition and greed?

    Greed is when you disrespect the laws. You want to make money anyhow, and so you drop the ethics and go for profit, that is called greed. Ambition is within the permit of ethics. You can be ambitious but greed takes you away from ethics. Simple thing wh ...
  7. Gurudev, Europe has been bearing the brunt of the refugee crisis. How do we balance compassion and practicality?

    That is a challenge! It is the same thing here in India; there are some beggars who are strong, well-built and yet, people give them alms, don’t do that! Definitely, be charitable to the weak, elderly, children and women. Similarly, refugees should be ...
  8. Europe has been bearing the brunt of the refugee crisis. How to balance compassion and practicality?

    That’s a challenge. It’s the same thing here in India. There are some beggars who are strong but people still give them alms. I would say, don’t give them any alms. There are some weak elderly women, definitely do charity for them. ...
  9. It is easy to be a dreamer, it is easy to be a critical realist, how to drop all illusions and expectations and still have a flame in life?

    It is easy to be in extremes in anything in life, but it takes wisdom to take the middle path and that is what spirituality and yoga is all about. The whole thing is about being centered. Once you are centered, then whatever has to happ ...
  10. Gurudev, when we are in pain, we are centered. But when we are happy, we move away from this centeredness. How should we remain happy and centered at the same time?

    Yes, this is a good question. When we are happy, we experience a sense of expansion; the mind expands, And when we are miserable, we experience a certain depth. That ,is why, whether you experience happiness or sorrow in life, treat both as equal, becau ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More