18 February 2013 - QA 2

My mother is very strict about maintaining cleanliness and purity at home. This starts from the morning till the night. She is also very particular about Pooja and other rituals. This creates a lot of problems at home. Why do I have to be like this? Is this a must? I think she does not love me.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, the Shastras (scriptures) nowhere insist on a strict practice of maintaining cleanliness and purity. We need to understand the deeper meaning behind this. Two types of cleanliness are there. We have the maintain Antahashuchi (cleanliness from within) and Bahirangashuchi (cleanliness of the surroundings).
So these are the two that we have to maintain. But people have interpreted this differently and made it complicated over time, and some have become very strict about it. That is why I say, just by chanting Narayana, all your negativity gets washed off and you are cleansed. Have you understood?

That is why we chant, ‘Apavitra Pavitrova Sarvaavasthangatopiva Yasmaret Pundarikaksham Sabahyaa-bhyantaraha Shuchihi’. This means, one who meditates upon Narayana, the all-pervading divine Consciousness is immediately cleansed from outside and within.
So tell this to your mother that it is enough if we just chant, ‘Pundarikaksha Punatumaam’.
By doing this all will be cleansed, both internally and externally.
Have you understood?

And why are you getting depressed because you mother is asking you to maintain cleanliness. She is doing what she knows is best. Understood?
Don’t think that she does not love you. Each person has different ways of showering their love to you. You shower love on everybody. You should have a big heart to accommodate everyone. Love should not be conditional. If it is conditional, then you will get depressed. Just keep loving everybody, everything will keep happening in its own way.

No mother can ever be without loving her child. You have to understand this, that is all. Your mother is also feeling bad that her own daughter does not understand her. Just accept her as she is. Be with love and compassion towards your mother. Let her maintain whatever cleanliness and other practices that she wishes.