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  1. Gurudev, did Gopis ever meditate when Krishna was there?

    Did Gopis meditate? Whether they meditated or they did not meditate, how does it matter? It is an old story. But meditation has to be second to life; walking, talking, sitting, doing, everything you are in a state of meditation. Krishna did meditate, every ...
  2. In majority of India, only the intellectuals know about Ashtavakra Geeta whereas everyone knows about Bhagwad Geeta. Why is it so?

    It is true. Ashtavakra Geeta is for ‘Post-graduates’! It is not as easy to understand. The knowledge was given to a King. To understand it requires time. One can begin with Bhagwad Geeta. In it, everyone can find something meaningful. Whereas Ashtavakra ...
  3. What is the importance of Gayathri Mantra?

    Om is the essence of the whole creation. Om is the greatest mantra in which everything is there. And then Om expanded and became Gayathri. Gayathri mantra is the essence of the Vedas. It is said there is no mantra greater than Gayathri. Gayathri Mantra say ...
  4. Dear Guruji, what is Shodasha Samskara?

    Shodasha Samskara! Shodasha means 16. There are 16 Samskaras which make human life. In a man or a woman’s life, there are 16 ceremonies or rituals that would impact the life. So what are they? It starts from Garbhadhana, it starts with conception. There is ...
  5. What is the significance of Garuda Purana after death?

    Garuda Purana is all about the life after death. How the soul goes, where, what and all that. There is only certain time when you are supposed to hear that, (the few days after the soul leaves the body) listen to it so you know where the departed soul goes ...
  6. (A member of the audience asked this question. It was inaudible.)

    Friends make fun of you being in spirituality? Yes, you smile at that and say, 'What a great thing you are missing you don’t know'. Tell them,'Anyways you are going to follow this; it is only a matter of time', you tell them. 'In five years you will come f ...
  7. 'Satyam Param Dhimahi'

    What you read now in the Bhagavad Gita (16th chapter), the good qualities, the divine qualities, we are all born with. We have it in us. The negative qualities are only on the circumference. They are super imposed on our goodness. So, Lord Krishna says tha ...
  8. Jai Gurudev! Some of my co-workers do certain things that cause frustration to some of us. Should we tolerate it or oppose it?

    We should oppose it. Using our intelligence, wherever we think it is appropriate, we should oppose, without anger or angst, but peacefully, patiently, with equanimity. ...
  9. What is politics and what is the significance of politics for a true saadhak?

    Politics is awareness of the needs of the public, working for the welfare of society, doing seva (service) to society – this is politics. Politics is necessary and it is very important for good, honest individuals to enter politics. If you wish to go you s ...
  10. Gurudev, you had said last time that one’s focus should be on oneself or on the master. But the mind tends to be drawn to others frequently making comparisons.

    At least you are aware that the mind is comparing with others. That means you are already becoming free from it, somewhat. Gradually it will move away completely. ...