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  1. Gurudev, what is the Supreme Power of this universe?

    Supreme Power is the simplest power. See, atom is everywhere, right? The whole universe is covered by atoms. Everything is made up of atoms. But an atomic power station is different. In the same way, the Supreme Power is the simplest, most easily avai ...
  2. Why has He created life?

    Why should He not create life? He has created life so that you could ask this question. If he would have not created, you could not have asked this question! I don’t know. I have no idea. I think God needs better adviser though. He made things too ...
  3. What is your view point on God?

    In every view point there is God! We think God is somebody sitting somewhere in the heaven, no! God is love and love is what the whole universe is made up of. It’s non-judgmental, always available for everyone, at any t ...
  4. I am stuck between God and the world. How to step away from the world and attain God?

    God is not far from you. You just need to relax. In relaxation there is God. Surrender and then relax. When we know how to relax, before and after working, then one goes into deep meditation and the connection with the Divine is established. ...
  5. Gurudev, the public has not seen God or heard God. Then how can they feel oneness with God?

    That is why there are Saints, Mahatmas and Gurus to tell you, ‘He is yours, believe it!’ See, we cannot know everything; we have to go with knowing some things and accepting some things. So I say, ‘Know some things and move ahead, accept some things a ...
  6. How does God keep us protected?

    That is a wonder! Since the moment you were born, He has protected you in many ways. He has protected you through the love of your mother and father. From whomsoever you are receiving love; it’s all from the Divine. God only is providing you ever ...
  7. Gurudev, does God really exist? If yes, then how can we experience Him?

    I have come to tell you that God exists and He is in you. I have come to tell you this. Don’t try to see Him. If someone tells you that he will help you see God, then think that he is a fool. God is neither a material substance nor a sight, he is in th ...
  8. Gurudev, if God resides in us then why do we experience misery in life?

    That is because we are untoward God. The sun is there, but if you are standing with your back towards it, then you will see the shadow in front of you. Your grief is that shadow. It is not real but a shadow, the shadow of your untowardness to God. If we tu ...
  9. God judges us by our karma, devotion, strength or other spiritual things?

    God is untouched. If you have devotion, it is good for you, not for God. If you have devotion, you will feel light. If you are in knowledge, you will get freedom from sorrow. ...