13 Mar 2012 - QA 4

Guruji, even though we are from different parts of the world, our basics are the same. We all want peace and happiness. But what I feel is that we are working on the surface level and the core issues are not being addressed.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Well, first of all we need to identify what are the core issues. It is different in different parts of the world.
Somewhere it is poverty, somewhere it is wrong indoctrination, somewhere it is lack of opportunity for people, somewhere it is the selfishness of a few people who want for their selfish reasons to take hostage of the whole population.
But one thing that is common in all situations is basic ignorance of human values. If there is humanness in the people, then nobody can engage in violence, nobody can engage in corruption, nobody can engage in ruthless killing of civilians.
So basic human values need to be inculcated back into society. I know it is difficult, it is a huge task but it is not impossible. At least I don’t like to believe it is impossible. So we should keep making our efforts to bridge the gap wherever we can and leave the rest to God.