22 March 2016 - QA 1

I have always stayed in my comfort zone for the past 10 years. I am too afraid and lazy to take risks. I would like to get over it but there is a part of me that prefers to stay weak. Please advice.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: No point in advising. You have seen the situation, you can take whatever steps you want to. You want to remain in your comfort zone, do it. You want to take a step forward, do it. In either case, I am with you! If I give you advice and you cannot do it, and then you will feel even more guilty, that will bring more problems and you will feel more sorry. I’m not going to get into this trap!
What you cannot do, don’t do it. What you can do, and what you want to do, do it. And if you cannot do it and someone says you have to do it, then it becomes a huge problem for you, unnecessarily. Already you have this and then on top of it you’ll feel, "Oh, Gurudev wanted me to do this, I didn’t do it". Why do you have to put yourself into that big a problem! I would like to play safe! I tell you, just relax. Things are happening, and if you are lazy, you know it, you want to get out of it, just do it.