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  1. Gurudev, my parents don’t want me to be a vegetarian. How do I convince them?

    You should simply say, ‘I am going to be a vegetarian’, finished, they will accept it. ...
  2. Gurudev, how was your life when you were my age? My age is 14.

    Yes interesting! I spent my young days with all elderly people. ...
  3. How can I offer both positive and negative to God?

    Just let go. If you find it difficult, just live in the present moment. Now, now. The past is gone. The future is yet to come. ...
  4. Gurudev, today youth are more interested in drugs, alcohol and pornography. What is your advice for the parents on how should they handle teenagers and how can they have a better relationship with them?

    Yes, it is a very delicate issue because teenagers don’t like to be dominated by the parents. Usually there is tendency to do that, so here parents should mellow down a little bit and help understand each other. We need to keep teenagers very busy, give th ...
  5. In terms of moral values, what is stand of a spiritual leader in it?

    A full stand should be there, total stand should be there. Only telling others of the values is not enough but also what should be done to instill these values in our lives needs to be taught. How to live these values should also be said with understanding ...
  6. Gurudev, which desires need to be surrendered and left to God and which desires need to be fulfilled through self-effort? How do we know?

    See, effort and surrender go hand in hand. So put your effort and surrender. That is why we take a sankalpa and then leave it. In pooja what do we do? We take rice, water, flowers in our hand and take a sankalpa, then we don’t hold on to the flowers. We dr ...
  7. Gurudev, after passing 10th standard I have also passed 12th standard. How many tests do I have to pass to prove my intelligence to this world?

    Those who do not have certain things think that others do not have it too. Even I have been giving proof all along so you too keep giving proof for some more time. what else? Think of your examinations also as play so that you do not feel pressured by them ...
  8. Gurudev, at one time the farmers in this country were rich and dignified. Those farmers who feed the country are now sleeping empty stomach, what have they done wrong and how to we improve this?

    The minister, who is sitting on the farmers needs to either get some intelligence or needs to be removed from his position, even I have been thinking about this. Since he has taken the position of the minister he has done useless work which resulted in dro ...
  9. Gurudev, there are criminals among the cabinet ministers, where are we heading, where is this country going?

    It needs a major stir; to stir the ministers we need a major stir. Every one of you will have to work and take a sankalpa to eradicate corruption. Everything will definitely change, situations will change. ...