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  1. Yoga Vasishtha emphasizes that personal effort is everything and Ishavasya Upanishad says, everything you get by personal effort is smaller than you. Can you please clarify.

    Truth is multi-dimensional and that is why you find it to be completely opposite. This is the beauty of the ancient wisdom; it accommodates completely opposite point of views, and both are true.It’s true that it is your effort at one level, ...
  2. At one level I feel there is nothing more to know, at another level I feel I don’t know anything. How to understand this?

    It’s fantastic! That’s how it is. At one level, the self knows everything and at another level, there is this realization, ‘I don’t know anything, I know very little’. This keeps your consciousness light and innocent. And < ...
  3. How powerful are prayers? Can they outright our fate? Since we don’t know what is better for us, is it better not to pray and just leave it to the divine?

    It is always good to say ask the divine, but you can also say, ‘If there is anything better that you have planned for me, then let that happen.’There is nothing wrong in asking, ask and it shall be given to you. This has also been said ...
  4. Is life about finding yourself or creating yourself?

    It depends on what level you are thinking from. On one level you are creating, and on another level you are finding; both apply here.If it is about your true nature, then you are finding because you don’t have to create your true nature, it ...
  5. Gurudev, many times my intention is not wrong but my action is wrong. Will I accumulate any bad karma for that?

    If intention is right then don’t worry about it. Though action does have its repercussions, but it is not much when the intention is right. ...
  6. Gurudev, the senses are limited yet our desire to enjoy is unlimited. Please speak on this.

    This is the problem! The capacity of the senses to enjoy is limited but the desire in the mind is unlimited. This discrepancy between wanting to enjoy and the ability to enjoy causes all sorts of ailments.Bulimia is one such ailment. Bulimia is on ...
  7. Faith In Action

    (The Art of Living, UNICEF and the Kerala Government together organized a conference - “Faith in Action – Interfaith Response to Alcohol, Drugs & Violence against Women and Children”. The conference was attended by many spiritual and religious leaders ...
  8. The Quality Of Motherhood

    (Below is a continuation of the post The Judgmental Tendency) Gurudev, tomorrow in America, we are celebrating Mother’s Day. You said that your mother was your first spiritual teacher. Could you say something about the spiritual values of motherhood, and ...
  9. What is your opinion on Astrology and the universe?

    Astrology is the study of connection between macrocosm and the microcosm. Everything in this universe is connected. But astrology is not fatalistic. It is about probabilities. It just gives you a road map. It gives you an idea or an overview of how thin ...
  10. Would you point out the major difference between meditation and prayer? Is one better than the other?

    Prayer is asking God, “God, give me this” or saying, “Thank you God for giving me this. God you gave me water. I thank you. You have given me food. I thank you. You gave me pleasure, joy and happiness. I thank you.”In praye ...