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  1. Gurudev, in the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that ‘everyone is equally dear to Me’. But then a little later He tells Arjuna, ‘you are most dear to Me’. How is this contradiction possible?

    There is a lot of contradiction throughout the Bhagavad Gita at every step, in every chapter. That is why Arjuna at one point tells Lord Krishna, ‘O Lord! Tell me one way only (towards freedom from misery). Sometimes you suggest that Bhakti Yoga (th ...
  2. Gurudev, Lord Shiva never took a body (physical form), and possibly even goddesses such as Goddess Durga, Goddess Saraswati, Goddess Gayatri etc. also did not. So are all these different forms of the same energy? What is the difference among them?

    Yes, they are essentially one. All of them are different powers, and are different by virtue of their names, their forms and appearance; yet they are all one in essence. ...
  3. The Strength of Women

    Bangalore, India Today is the auspicious day of Shravana Purnima (the full Moon day in the auspicious month of Shravana as per the Hindu calendar). Usually it is said that it is the brother who protects and looks after his sister. Today we are celebrating ...
  4. Gurudev, can you please talk about Sanyasa (referring to the act or intention of renouncing everything)? What does it mean to be a Sanyasi (a renunciate)?

    Sanyasa means being totally centered. It means to feel that ‘Everyone belongs to me, and I belong to everybody. I want nothing for myself and I’m ready to give everything’. ...
  5. Protection Of The Divine

    Bangalore, India. You know, the Divine protects us in many ways. Just like a roof protects us from the coconut falling on our head, the Divine protects us in many ways. They say that the planet Jupiter (called as Brihaspati or the Guru Brihaspati in Hindi) ...
  6. Love Unconditionally

    Bangalore, India Gurudev, when there is love between two people, they decide to get married. Then why does the love cease to exist after marriage? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, I cannot say this in this matter. I have no experience in this! (Laughter). Neithe ...
  7. Vastness of the Present Moment

    Bangalore, India Gurudev, You have mentioned that present moment is infinite. It is both vast and deep. Can you please shed light on the vastness and depth of the present moment? Is it that lot of things are happening at the same time is what is meant by t ...
  8. You Are Relieved Of Your Past

    Montreal, Canada Gurudev, you spoke of the necessity to forgive those who have hurt and betrayed us. But what is more difficult for me is forgiving myself, and to let go of the guilt I feel from the hurt and betrayal I have caused others. Sri Sri Ravi Shan ...
  9. I Am The Only Way

    Bangalore, India Gurudev, in the Bible Christ says, ‘I am the only way’. The Koran says that it is the only way, and the Gita also says ‘Mam ekam sharanam vraja’? Is this the reason for all religious conflicts? How can we change this? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: ...
  10. Finding God

    Bangalore, India Photo credit: Paul Bica / Foter / CC BY What is happening today is that, our education system has become so weak that even after getting a master’s degree, people don’t get jobs because they don’t know how to do a simple job. Skills are mi ...