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  1. Words from the Peace Delegation of the FARC-EP to Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    During his visit to Havana, we met with the humanist Ravi Shankar, with whom we have exchanged about peace, about life, or rather, about the art of living. Without humanism, social projects fail. We agree. Human values should be elevated to the highest pe ...
  2. The World Has Witnessed So Much Chaos; Now Let’s Focus on One Conductor – GOD: Sri Sri

    (Excerpts from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s opening address at the Parliament of World Religions 2009 at Melbourne, Australia on December 3, 2009). The purpose of religion is to bring enlightenment to the individual, and happiness in society, and to mov ...
  3. Those Who Create Wealth Can Help Eliminate Poverty: Gurudev

    The following Q&A with Gurudev appeared in, an online news portal in Colombia. Q What do you expect from your visit to Colombia?.   Gurudev: I want to meet the expectations of the people of Colombia, who have been asking me to visit for ...
  4. The Common Man Will Need to Participate in the Millennium Development Goals

    Excerpt from 10 th International Conference on Millennium Development Goals of the UN, at the Szent Istvan University, Hungary on June 23, 2009. Wise people set goals. Wiser people follow their goals. Public participation is most essential. In the past ce ...
  5. Honoring Diversity: Vedanta-Buddhism Conference for Global Peace

    Excerpt from Vedanta-Buddhism Conference for Global Peace, India (February 2008).   Om Namah Pranavarthaya Shudh Gyane Kamurthaye, Nirmalaye Prashantaye Dakshina Murtaye Namah One thing I noticed today, among all the dignitaries and monks present, is that ...
  6. Peace and Reconciliation in South Asia – Challenges and Opportunities

    Excerpt from Sri Sri's Inaugural address at ‘Peace and Reconciliation in South Asia – Challenges and Opportunities’ conference, Oslo (April 10, 2008). We have all come together to find a common solution to a very crucial problem. Often in meetings, w ...
  7. Peace, Prosperity and Happiness Go Hand In Hand: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    ‘Restore peace to build more peaceful societies’ is the message that Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar brings to Colombia. He is a humanitarian leader who will visit the country this week, and has been nominated five times for the Nobel Peace Prize. Ravi Shank ...
  8. The Peace Process & How People Can Participate In the Same

    Following is a transcript of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s interview with W Radio, a radio station in Colombia, ahead of his visit to the country. On  June 24, Gurudev will receive the highest civilian award of Colombia, honoring his peace work. Q. What ...
  9. Peacebuilding in Lebanon

    Building the Bridges It is a scenario of continuous war shredding the lives of many, the prospects of even basic needs addressed being a distant dream. Refugees huddle in, with hope written large on their faces for normalcy to return, their eyes speaking ...
  10. ‘Stree Soukhya’ delivers rural hygiene

    Satara, Maharashtra: More than 300 million women do not have access to safe and hygienic products in India, which is endangering their health, curtailing their education and putting their livelihoods at risk, say experts at the Geneva-based Water Supply & ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More