Meditation connects you with the Universal Spirit

Mon, 01/24/2011

On this occasion of 2600 years of Buddha Jayanti, there is this musical event that is organized. It is to bring back DHARMMA in to the society. When the value of DHARMMA is missing then there is suffering in the world. It’s because we have forgotten the values.
I am very happy to be with you all. The hope of Sri Lanka (referring to the mega choir of youth, students, music and cultural groups)! You know, we need to deepen our roots & broaden our vision.
When adharma took over, when people forgot the real essence of Dharma, Bhagvan Buddha came to reestablish Dharma. The message HE spread was “Ahimsa Parmo Dharmha”.
I am glad that in Sri Lanka, now there is fearlessness, people are able to walk everywhere. All the check posts are removed & people are able to move freely.
People of all ethnic backgrounds’ that are Tamils, Singhalese, Muslim, Christian, and Buddhist are together. More happiness has to come in society and that will happen when YOUTH becomes active. When youth become active, they contribute towards the progress of the nation. Dedication for development and an open mind for research should be the path of growth.
One of the top scientists told me that he had studied matter for 40 years only to realize that it does not exist. He said when he gives speeches on quantum physics, the crux always is “The Matter Is Nothing” which is conveyed in Buddhism and Vedanta.
What is the use of meditation for young people? This is a question many ask. Do you want to develop in to an all round personality? Then meditation is a must to be happy, healthy, compassionate, humorous, and loveable. All these human qualities blossom through meditation. Ok meditation has got 3 rules. The first rule is:
1) I don't want anything... how is it possible when I want better job, grades in school, family and prosperity? Only for next 10 minutes say “I want nothing”.
Can you say that? Remove your wants like a cap & keep it on the side. Just for 10 minutes
And then
2) I do nothing: When a scholar came to Lord Buddha, HE said just relax, become hollow & empty.
I do nothing for next 10 minutes. I don’t concentrate on anything, don’t focus mind on any thoughts: good thoughts, bad thoughts let them come & pass. I do nothing. Neither I welcome thoughts nor do I resist thoughts.

And the 3rd rule is
3) I am nothing
For next few minutes, put off the label of being student, corporate, male, female…anything. 
Now let’s meditate.
Meditation went on for 15 minutes (and as usual:))
How many of you feel that you meditated for 15 minutes? Are you feeling fresh? How many of you did not feel the time?
See that is it. Meditation means you do not feel the time. You get connected with Universal Spirit.
When done in a group, it is very good. Do it in a group SANGHA. Especially after your school prayers in the morning, just sit for some time with closed eyes and meditate.
Meditation can improve our ability. I feel happy to be with you. Become Talented and Compassionate world citizens. Learn good things from every part of the world.

One of the first country every Indian hears about in childhood is Sri Lanka. And how was SriLanka? It was golden. Lord Sri Ram himself says SWARNAMAYI LANKA. It was so prosperous. So I want all of YOU to dream about golden Sri Lanka where every youth is talented, vibrant and compassionate which is very very important.

May GOD bless you all!
The event concluded in its glory with:





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