Q/A session with Sri Sri in Philippines, 3rd November 2009

Mon, 09/11/2009 Turkey

Q: Guruji there seem to be so many single parents these days. Why is that?
H.H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When People are not able to deal with their own stress and negative emotions, they project them onto the people closest to them, usually the husband or wife.
If one’s mind is calm and emotions are settled, then there can be love and understanding which is necessary for any marital relationship to work.
Q: How do we balance having a wish (really wanting something) with surrender?
H.H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When you wish for something the wish just happens naturally. You have no control over it. It doesn’t ask your permission. It doesn’t need a visa for entry!
So, just say “Let thy will be done”!
Q: How to bless areas? For example: areas that have been affected by calamities?
H.H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Every area is already blessed. Every area belongs to God.

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