10 Mar 2012 - QA 19

Guruji, with an increase in the number of spiritual teachers and devotees, why is crime and corruption increasing as well?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, spiritual teachers are not the cause for the increase in crime and corruption.
I will ask you one question. Ten years ago, there were not as many hospitals in India as there are today. The number of hospitals has increased; so are hospitals responsible for people getting sick?
Hospitals have increased and ailments have also increased in this decade. Will you hold the hospitals responsible for the prevailing ailments? No.
In spite of hospitals, ailments are increasing.
Similarly, in spite of Saints, if crime is increasing then just imagine what the condition of India or the world would be if there was no spirituality at all. Do you see what I am saying? Each and every village needs a saint. A Purohit (priest) is needed; a person who can uplift the people and bind them together. One who is concerned about the well being of everyone, and whenever there is some conflict, he should be there to counsel them and calm the situation down.
A person who can remove the lack, such a person is needed. In India, we have seven lakh villages. In each village, if there are two people like this who can work for the well being of the people; teach them yoga and meditation, then the our country will transform tremendously. We need 14 lakh service oriented yoga and meditation teachers.
So you also become one among such teachers. Learn yoga yourself and teach others as well so that others too can find peace in their lives.