30 December 2015 - QA 5

If we need to be in love without an object, then why does my heart explode at the sight of a man I like?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

Oh! Good, that is a good explosion, but let it not explode at the sight of every man you meet. Both will be in trouble then. Anything can trigger it, Instead of looking at the outside, look at the feeling it triggers, focus on the energy that has exploded within you. This is one of the techniques of meditation in the olden days, actually.
If you see something beautiful, something romantic, that kindles something beautiful inside you, then you turn your attention to the energy that is rising up in your heart, and at that moment meditation happens. This is the reason in ancient temples, in India, you will find all kinds of beautiful and erotic statues all around, because beauty kindles something deep inside. The ancient people knew this and that is why they first asked you to around the temple and see the beautiful figures - to arise those feelings inside you and then go in and sit in front of the Deity.
Even the Deity is decorated so beautifully. They put statues of both male and female, like Radha and Krishna, so that you realize that you are both inside, a father and a mother. You fill yourself with the beauty and dissolve in it. This is a technique by itself.
In fact, there was no person as Radha at all. Radha is only the power of Krishna, the female aspect of Krishna. If you read the biography of Krishna written as Shrimad Bhagvatam, there is no mention of Radha anywhere, it is just to create that romantic, beautiful feeling they said that Radha is the power of Krishna.
Radha means longing and Krishna is the attraction. So, they created both and said, look at this which is so beautiful and sit and meditate.

Lord Buddha is little different from Lord Krishna. Lord Buddha is only peace, only silence and emptiness. So, when you look at a statue of Buddha, you become silent, quiet and empty.Emptiness was the whole goal of Buddha. But with Krishna, it is the fullness of joy, fullness of romance, fullness of ultimate bliss and so they depicted it that way. But the aim of both is turning inwards to meditate.