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  1. Intention, Attention and Manifestation

    Intention, Attention and Manifestation The association of a particular sense object over and over again creates a sense of craving for it. If you are used to drinking coffee every morning, then even though you are not born with a coffee fervor you have beg ...
  2. Sri Lanka holds first Interfaith Music Festival in Asia to build ethnic harmony, reconciliation

    Mother Sri Lanka Trust in collaboration with the Art of Living Foundation launched the first Interfaith Music Festival in Asia, which was held at the Sugathadasa Indoor Stadium. The festival was a coming-together of 1,500 school children from over 50 schoo ...
  3. International Women's Conference at the Art of Living center

    Women from 55 countries today began deliberations at the 5th International Women’s Conference (IWC) hosted in the Art of Living International Center.  The three-day conference is an extension of The Art of Living’s women empowerment projects and is a platf ...
  4. How The Art of Living gave farmers in Vidarbha a new lease of life

    Background Here farmers are born in debt and die in debt – Old Marathi saying One thousand nine hundred and twenty* farmers committed suicide in Maharashtra between January 2001 and August 2006, according to Government figures. Unofficial figures put it at ...
  5. The Bhagavad Gita

    Terrorism is deeply steeped in hatred. An act without hatred is what Bhagavad Gita propounds. The Bhagavad Gita epitomizes the correct action -- of righteousness, of upliftment of spirit and an action or duty that ought to be performed even in the most com ...
  6. The Art of Living Unveils A New Therapy To Treat Heart Diseases

    Art of Living founder, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar inaugurated a US FDA approved treatment for heart disease called ‘Enhanced external counter pulsation (EECP)’ at The Art of living International Centre. The inauguration took place at the Sri Sri Ayurveda ...
  7. 5 Steps to Healthier Living

    Health is not merely absence of disease. Health is being established in the Self. It is the dynamic expression of life. One can be said to be in a perfect state of health when one is physically fit, mentally calm and emotionally steady. So how does one ach ...
  8. A little guidance, and the art of living

    Six-day programme held for registered bad characters Going beyond traditional methods of reining in crime in a first-of-its-kind endeavour, the Outer Delhi Police organised a six-day “Art of Living” programme for registered bad characters of several police ...
  9. There is World Toilet Day, but no World Yoga Day: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Yoga guru Baba Ramdev and founder of Art of Living Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shared a stage and gave a call to the UN to declare June 21 as World Yoga Day. “There is World Toilet Day, but no World Yoga Day. We will write to the UN to recognise June 21 a ...
  10. Farmers learn the Indian way

    By Elvis Mashele A farmer exchange programme got off to an exciting start when 20 farmers from the province switched their traditional roles for life skills training at the Art of Living in Bangalore, India. Read more.   ...