"Art of Breathing” course with Swami Jyothirmayah

Arigato keskus (Rannamõisa tee 3, Tallinn)
14th of Sep 2012 to 16th of Sep 2012


The greatest Art of Living event of the forthcoming Autumn!

"Art of Breathing” course with Swami Jyothirmayah

Three days only: 14th -16th of September.

Swami Jyothirmayah  is a renowned Art of Living teacher, who is especially known for his blessings. Thousands of people are attracted by the miraculous stories, which tell about fantastic events and the healing force of his blessings. Meditations guided by Swamiji are really deep and marvelous.  His presence is so full of love, joy and positive energy, that all problems seem to vanish. Basic courses conducted by him gather hundreds, and even thousands of people. This year he conducted a Basic course for 500 Bulgarians.

Swami Jyotirmayah visited Estonia for the first time in June 2012, he conducted an Advanced course and gave blessing sessions all around Estonia, more than 1000 of people got blessed. People who participated in these events point out that their well being has improved considerably, some people say that the advanced course with Swami has changed their lives.

We have been waiting for his visit 3 years, however now he is coming back after less than 3 month! Swamiji decided to maintain the wave of joy and happiness and help  more and more people to improve their health and quality of life!

Join the Basic course with Swami and invite your family, friend and colleagues J

This course is an amazing mix of yoga, breathing techniques, meditation, interactive processes and practical knowledge.

The basics of the course is Sudarshan Kriya. This unique breathing technique eliminates stress, fatigue and negative emotions such as anger, frustration and depression, leaving you calm yet energized, focused yet relaxed.

The secret lies in our own breath. Through breathing exercises, certain breathing techniques and some practice of meditation, we can rekindle positive vibrations within and around us.

After the course people experience:

·         Reduced stress

·         Greater sense of happiness and enthusiasm

·         More confidence

·         More ease in interpersonal skills

·         Anti-aging and rejuvenation effects


Where: Sport center Arigato (Rannamõisa tee 3, Tallinn). www.arigato.ee


14.09. (Friday) 18.00 – 21.30

15.09. (Saturday) 15.00 – 21.00

16.09. (Sunday)  09.30 – 14.00


Nice present for all: course price is the usual basic course price: 65 EUR

Unemployed, students and retired qualify for a discount: - 45 EUR

Those who repeat the course- 20.-.   

NB!  Swami intended to conduct these course for new people, that is why those who repeat the course can participate only if the bring a newcomer with them!


Those who pay for the course before 1st of September can get an extra  30 % discount -  45 ЕUR

Unemployed, students and retired – 32 EUR

 Please transfer money to the Art of Living Education account.  In details please write: AOL Basic Course with Swami  14-16.09 and name. We can send you a bill, if it needed.

About bank: Swedbank AS,  SWIFT/BIC code HABAEE2X
Address: 8 Liivalaia Street, 15040 Tallinn, Estonia
Account: 221044867486
IBAN: EE332200221044867486

If you refuse to participate less than one week before the course, we will keep a 80% of the received amount as a cancellation fee.

Obligatory registration: here (in Russian) or send you name info@artofliving.ee

NB! Registration is valid after the payment!   

You should be present  every day without any exceptions. Please wear comfortable clothes, take a bottle of drinking water, yoga mat and a blanket.

Accommodation in Tallinn:  it is possible to live in AOL people homes, also in AOL center and of course, you can find some Hotel or Hostel. For more information asked Veronika.

See you all in the course!

Best regards,

Veronika Krassavina
+(372) 5657 2606



skype: artofliving.ee
