18 Feb 2012 - QA 5

Guruji, to retain the state acquired in meditation, what should I do?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Just keep doing what you are doing now. You have to continue doing it, again and again. ‘Baar baar Raghuveer samai’: Again and again meditate.
So do meditation, sadhana and satsang and talk about it as well. Anything that is in your speech, the mind and in action gets firmly established.
If you do your sadhana and the rest of the time you keep talking about petty things, whatever juice you got after your sadhana will start fading away. That is why in speech also, let that state find expression. Whenever you talk, talk about knowledge, talk about love. Then you will see it gets more firmly established in you. This is the importance of satsang.
In satsang we talk about the good things, we talk about knowledge, meditation and miracles.
You talk about miracles happening in someone’s life – isn’t this what you discuss? How many of you talk like this, only about miracles? What happens when you talk only about miracles? Every day something new happens in your life and so many new lessons are learnt.
So the mind becomes strong with these kinds of discussions.