9 Oct 2011-QA-15

You use the analogy of the wave and the ocean, but is that the same in the soul? Are there soul molecules going in and out and when you die where do they go?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes, it’s interesting what happens when you die. All your impressions fill up like a balloon and the mind and the soul go out. It’s just like the air gets encapsulated into a balloon. The moment the balloon is burst the air is the same, isn’t it? The space is the same. What you call an individual soul is nothing but collection of impressions. So Nirvana is when all the impressions are gone and then you are free, but still a little bit will be left till the last day. Are you getting what I’m saying? So even though you are enlightened, you are free, a little bit of something will have to be there so that the body remains. It means suppose you are having a butterball in your hand and you throw it. After having thrown it, there are still little marks of that butterball in your hand. You make an ice ball and you throw it but then your hand is still wet with that little ice particles. Isn’t it? Like that a little bit of that avidya or the imperfection is needed to keep the system. Got it?