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  1. How can one find the purpose of life?

    Become calm and listen to your inner self. Do you all have cell phones? What do you need for the cell phone to work? If there is no SIM card, will it work? If there is a SIM card, but you are far away, will it work? You need a SIM card, signal and the batt ...
  2. Gurudev, we get plenty in life yet a feeling of dissatisfaction remains with unfulfilled desires, which really give pain sometimes. How to deal with them?

    You have done the basic course. What did you learn in the basic course - There is failure sometimes and there is success sometimes in life, and you have to accept both. You can never be satisfied with a failure, it will give pain only. Then what to do at t ...
  3. What are effects of Past life karma on the present life? I feel I have done sins in past.

    Don’t waste your energy thinking too much on past life karmas. Use your energy to come out of the present problems. ‘Om Namah Shivaye’ mantra, pranayama, Satsang.. – All these take care of your previous karmas. Surrender all your ...
  4. How do we know that our past karmas have been burnt?

    Just assume it. Just like assuming, 'I am free' makes one free. Believing that past karma has been burnt makes it so. ...
  5. How does one handle fear of death?

    If you isolate and think only of yourself then you will have the fear of death. Once you are in service, there is no fear of death. Terrorists are committed to something so they are not afraid of life or death. If you want to do good for others, your co ...
  6. I was thinking since I was a small child that what the original sin is? I never got a satisfactory answer as it couldn’t be about the apple. I wanted to know if you could explain from your perspective what is it all about or is it all a lie?

    I am not a theologian in the first place, and so I haven’t studied the original sin concept. So, I cannot comment much on that. All I can say is that from Indian perspective sin is that which brings misery to many and merit is that which brings love, happi ...
  7. Dear Guruji, I have never been a spiritual or a true religious person. How can I learn to let go and believe?

    You don’t have to label yourself- I am spiritual, religious person etc. No need for it. Just be natural, beautiful, good human being. That’s it! ...
  8. We talk about serving humanity. As a human being I have limited knowledge and based on that I believe in a cause and work for that cause. But if later, down the line, I realize that the cause was not worthy, then being a person with limited knowledge haven’t I made this world a worse place than it earlier was? Can we serve the humanity before having perfect knowledge?

    If you wait till you get perfect knowledge, it’s not going to happen. When you do service, you gain merit and that merit helps you to go deep into yourself. So service helps you gain merit, merit takes you deep into sadhna(self-effort and practices) and sa ...
  9. Why is the material world considered to be a world of misery?

    It is the mind which makes you feel it is a misery. This world is a part of the divinity. So, instead of blaming the world look inside. ...