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  1. How do I change failure into success?

    Just move on, move forward. Don’t look back. Failure can only be in the past, never in the future. Again, it’s about understanding the event. If you see it from a broader perspective, you will see it better. ...
  2. Gurudev, while doing pooja when we see the decoration of the idol of the Divine it feels very beautiful. But when we close our eyes and meditate, even that is very beautiful. So, what should we do, should we see or should we meditate?

    Go deep in meditation and that is the best pooja. What is pooja? ‘Yena kena prakarena yasya kasyapi dehinad, santosham janayetpragyah tadeveshvarapujanam.’ What is the best form of worship? In whichever way, bringing happiness and peace to the hearts of p ...
  3. Gurudev, it is said in Puranas that a wife wishes for the same husband for the next seven life times. Is it true?

    See, I am not qualified to answer this question. You can ask people around you and find out. Some will say yes and some will say no, take a census and go by your experience. 
Once, this lady in America was telling that she has been married for 40 years an ...
  4. Dear Guruji, you often say, ‘Give all your problems to me’. But sometimes I worry that I get freedom from all my worries but did all my worries cause disturbance to you?

    No, don’t worry. At least that much of your worries have reduced, because when you are worried even I get worried. That is why you be happy. ...
  5. How is it that having experienced dispassion and bliss, the mind still goes towards the mundane?

    That is the nature of the mind, never mind! The mind is made up of three qualities ie, sattva (purity/clarity), rajas (activity/action) and tamas (inertia). According to the combination of these three qualities, different states of mind prevail at differ ...
  6. How do I know if I am progressing on the spiritual path?

    See, are you calmer? Are you dynamic? Are you free from vices, bad habits and are you having a sense of belongingness with everybody around you? These are some of the measures; they don’t have to be the only measures. ...
  7. What should be the ultimate desire of our life?

    If somebody tells you what the ultimate desire should be, that’s futile. This moment what you need is your desire. When you look at life from a broader perspective, then you yourself come to know what you want. Naturally, you will be compassionate, conside ...
  8. Passion for transformation & dispassion for momentary

    How can I offer both positive and negative to God? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Just let go. If you find it difficult, just live in the present moment. Now, now. The past is gone. The future is yet to come.Why is the body cremated in the Hindu religion? Sri Sri ...