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  1. Dearest Guruji, I am a yoga teacher and I work hard. I keep myself busy but I know I could do a lot more. I would like some advice.

    I need more volunteers. We have four centers here. We need a lot of volunteers to work in these centers. So, sign up as volunteers. Even if you give two days in a month, that would be very good. You come for two days in a month, for three to four hour ...
  2. Whenever I hear of a bomb blast, or some sudden airplane crash in which small kids die, I feel so sad the entire day and hope they will be fine after death. Do you take care of them too?

    Yes, don’t worry; it is natural to feel so. When you feel pain for someone else’s pain it means you are human. What good is a heart that cannot feel the pain of others? But you must not get stuck such that you are not able to do anything else. Put that fee ...
  3. I am pained about my son who is addicted to gambling.

    You have one son; I have millions of sons like that, who are addicted to all the wrong things. Wake up and see how you can help out other people like your son. This pain is in you so that you can do something about it; something for the society, for other ...
  4. How do we find our life’s mission?

    To realize one’s mission, your mind has to become clear. And doing Hollow and Empty meditation makes the mind very clear. When the mind is clear then intuition comes up. Think how best I can be of use to people, and when you become useful to people ar ...
  5. What do we do when we don’t enjoy our work anymore?

    You should work for making a living. But for joy, you should do some service. Engage yourself in any social service. You will find that it brings you contentment and happiness. I knew this question was coming, so I said that there is joy in giving. Find th ...
  6. Dear Guruji, is it good to donate our blood?

    Yes, it is good to donate. In 24 hours you can recuperate. Your body is a blood making machine. Donating blood will save lives. ...
  7. Gurudev, I want to make a difference in the world in a massive way. How do I discover the way to make that difference?

    I want people like you who have this spirit to make a big difference in the world. Come and I will send you to different places where you can go and do a lot of work. You already have a ready-made platform. You don’t have to do it from scratch which would ...
  8. Gurudev, if all my work is being done by your grace, then why should I put any effort?

    Then get yourself involved in service. Sukh mein seva dukh mein tyaag; this should be our motto of life. When you are happy, do some service, and when you are sad or miserable then surrender. If you can’t let go of misery, then how w ...
  9. Gurudev, you travel so much. You change flights and cars. You don’t even have time to sleep or eat properly. How do you manage to do all these?

    When there is willingness to do, strength automatically comes. When there is some celebration or festival at your home, you too don’t think about food. You get busy with the preparations. Likewise for me every day is a celebration. ...
  10. Gurudev, how can I contribute to the society?

    This is a very good question. You think what you can do. I want all the youth to join hands with us for just six months and we will bring a wave of revolution everywhere in this country. Then see, how the country will change. I have a dream to see India as ...