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  1. Dear Gurudev, how do I help my mother stop talking ill of her sister? My mother is 76 years old and her sister is 74.

    Don’t try to do that. Let her talk and empty it all out. If you want to play some games, write a nice card and say, "Your sister has sent you this!" Anyway, they both may not be able to read it properly so you say, "I will read it f ...
  2. If God has no form or shape, then why does Hinduism have so many idols and temples?

    The ancient Vedic people discovered that (as human beings) we cannot relate to something that has no form. You are talking to me, but do you talk to the space next to me here? If you do, then you must have gone mad and you will be taken to the mental ho ...
  3. Gurudev, Devi Chandika’s vaahana (chariot) is shown to be a shava (dead body). What is its significance?

    The one you consider as a dead body is also not completely inert. There also is a vibration, a consciousness, a power. We can say that there is no consciousness to a certain degree, but to say that there is no power at all is not correct. There is power ev ...
  4. Gurudev, is there any advice on how a woman should prepare herself spiritually before and after the conception of her child?

    No, you should simply remember that you are spiritual. See, what are the qualities of God, or what is Divinity? That which is there; that which is omnipresent. It is present everywhere. If it is not present in you, will it be God? What is the firs ...
  5. Gurudev, is obesity something that is given by God; or is it a fruit of one’s actions?

    God gives you some work or the other. So if he gives you obesity, then he also gives you work so as to make you reduce your weight. You seem to ask very clever questions! When you seem to remain or maintain your obesity, you very conveniently say that ...
  6. From many stories I understand you are omnipresent and all knowing. This sometimes makes me feel a little fearful that you know all about the mistakes I make. What is your attitude towards the mistakes? Are you angry when you see me making these mistakes over and over again?

    Not at all. Do you know that devotees are more powerful than the Guru himself? Do you know this? It is so. You must have heard of my Guru stories, but I have many devotee stories. I will share one with you. In the last week of November, I was touring i ...
  7. Gurudev, can you speak about women Rishis?

    Yes, there are some women Rishis, and there is space for more to come. Very few women Rishis have been there, not many actually. Meera was one such great devotee. There was one lady in Tamil Nadu, she was called Avaiyar ...