18 Jan 2012 - QA 3

Guruji, will corruption be eradicated by the Lokpal Bill, or do we have to do something else for it?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Lokpal Bill is like the treatment of the disease, after it has manifested. I do not believe that just a law will stop all corruption. However, that law is necessary, absolutely necessary! They say, 'Bhaya bin preet hoi na gopa.' So if there is fear, corruption will be stopped. However, just fear will not work. People will become used to that as well. A spiritual awakening should occur; a wave should arise in society. Only then corruption will be removed. Corruption begins where belongingness ends. Therefore, if we create a friendly atmosphere, that will be conducive. Also, good people must be elected. Good individuals should enter politics. This is necessary.