SEED Event

20th of Apr 2013

SEED Productions Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that hosts purposeful speaking and music events that support and create awareness for select charities as well as supporting the human journey, specificaly the various forms of yoga and universal spiritual teachings.

What interests and inspires the general public is changing quickly at this time and SEED Events are exactly what they are looking, and ready for. Why are you here? What is the meaning of existence? What is my purpose? What is really going on? What now? Where am I going and how do I get there? These are the ultimate life questions that can be answered at the SEED Event. Now more than ever there is a movement towards authenticity, transparency and the truth.

SEED Events are for everyone because the truth does not belong to one paticular section of the world nor any special group of people that may claim it as their rightful possession. It belongs to every person from all walks of life. Our events provide intellectual and inspirational fulfillment through world-class education on total wellbeing - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial & global. Going beyond attending a lecture and buying another book, the SEED Event strives to provide opportunities to experience the information being presented, as it is only through direct experience that one can really know the unlimited potential that resides within every human being. Thousands of people leave our events enlightened to new possibilities within themselves. Inspired, and knowing beyond a doubt that anything is possible provides an overall sense of wellbeing, oneness and feeling that everything is going to be okay.

As a keynote speaker at this event, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will be speaking on - "Enlightenment: The Answer to Everything". This will provide one with a unique opportunity to not only listen to Gurudev speak, but also meditate with and ask questions that you are looking for answers to.

You can choose to attend the full day, which includes Gurudev's keynote speech, or Gurudev's keynote speech only. Doors open for Gurudev's speech at 7:30PM

Date: April 20th 2013


8.30PM - 10.00PM

Venue: Hall D, BMO Centre, Calgary Stampede Park, Calgary

Tickets for Gurudev's Keynote Speech: $75

All Day Pass: $120

Visit their website for more information on the event:

Calgary, Alberta, Canada