

  1. Gurudev, it is said that sattva (purity) is needed for the attainment of karma (action). But is rajas not required for karma? In my case if I do a lot of sadhana then I don't feel like doing anything.

    There is another meaning of sattva – purity of intellect. Intellect is also called Sattva. But, to do any action rajoguna is required. The body cannot be stable without the three gunas (Rajoguna, Tamoguna and ...
  2. Gurudev, taking out time for Sadhana in everyday life becomes little difficult, whereas I enjoy doing Sadhana. How to make it an easy habit?

    Look, is it difficult to take out time to brush your teeth? You need to take time out to go to the washroom, isn't it? You bathe everyday or not? Do you run to the office after getting up from the bed? Without having breakfast, do you go? There ...
  3. Gurudev, when I do meditation in the ashram it is effortless but when I go home it is not the same. Is there any way I can cultivate the same aura at home?

    Yes you can, in a particular place at home, or in a particular room. That is why people used to have a pooja (prayer) room in their home. In a corner, the north-east corner they would devote for the pooja room. Like that you can place any one ...
  4. Gurudev, will doing Sudarshan Kriya and regular Sadhana (spiritual practices) solve all my problems?

    You first do it and see. If they get solved, then that is good. At least you will not be at any loss by doing sadhana. It will give you the strength to face those problems and overcome them. You are only going to benefit by doing sadhana. There is no ...
  5. Gurudev, is getting a certain experience the goal of Sadhana? I haven’t got any experience in my Sadhana till now. This keeps bothering me.

    No, never mind! It is the experience of going from the scenery to the seer that is important. If experiences come, they come. If not, never mind! Still it is okay. Experiences change all the time. ...
  6. Gurudev, it is said that sadhana gives desired results. If a demonic person does sadhana, will he also get a boon?

    Yes, it has happened in the past. Ravana did so much penance. And there were so many demons that became powerful by doing penance. But because of their ego, they made some or the other mistake. That is why they were not completely successful. ...
  7. Gurudev, what is the purpose of my life? Why am I here on this planet and in the same era as you are? There has to be a purpose for this life. How will I know that?

    There is a very good purpose. There is so much work to do; so much Seva needs to be done. Join the Volunteer for Better India initiative (VBI). There is so much Seva being done and the nation needs you. Do your Seva, Sadhana, and Satsang. Spread the joy an ...
  8. Dear Gurudev, for the past few months I find sadhana, satsang and seva a struggle and an effort. I have tried approaching it like I am doing it for the first time, but it still feels the same. What can I do to get past this feeling?

    Never mind, just relax and let go. Why do you struggle? You already struggle with other things, now you are struggling with sadhana also? Okay, stop, don’t do it. One day, you will find yourself saying, ‘Oh, I need to do it!’ It will feel like you are star ...
  9. Gurudev, it is said that when one has accumulated Paapa (sins), then one does not feel like doing Sadhana (spiritual practices) or going to Satsang. But if at some point of time if we become aware that this is happening because of a particular karma, then can we overcome it by purushartha (making efforts)?

    Yes, absolutely. That is the intelligent thing to do also. Such people are the intelligent ones. You cannot call them foolish or ignorant. When you are aware of a wrong action you have done, then Sadhana and Satsang can help you cut away all these negative ...
  10. Gurudev, it is said that speech is of four types: Para, Pashyanti, Madhyama and Vaikhari. What is their significance in Sadhana (spiritual practices)?

    This conversation that we are having now is what Vaikhari is. Human beings are capable of interacting only by using this Vaikhari mode of speech. It is said, ‘Chatvaari vaak parimitaa padaani taani vidur braahmaanaa ye manishinaah. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Mehr