

  1. What is fear?

    Every seed has a membrane around it. That shell is there to protect the seed, but when you soak the seed in water, at some point the membrane breaks and the sprout come out of it. In the same way, fear is a mechanism around the life to protect it; at th ...
  2. Gurudev, what is fear and what is fantasy? Many of my fears in day to day life are baseless; things that will never happen. Why do I picture the worst scenario?

    Fear is love upside down. If you have fear, then know that you have the ability to love. So, when you fall in love or raise in love, your fear will simply dissipate. Fear is nothing but another way of love. ...
  3. How come some of the divine forms in Hinduism are depicted in such a fearsome manner? For example, Kali wears a garland of skulls. Does it mean there is divinity is such forms too?

    If you can love the fearful, the fear disappears. Fear and love are not two different emotions. It is the same emotion standing upside down. Since the last 10 years, if you see the toys, the figures and characters that children are ...
  4. How do we get over negative thoughts and fear?

    Hand me your fears and leave them with me. When I am here to receive it, why don’t you give it away? Why don’t you take my words to your heart? If you did, then you would have already handed me your fear and negativity. ...
  5. How do we get over negative thoughts and fear?

    Hand me your fears and leave them with me. When I am here to receive it, why don’t you give it away? Why don’t you take my words to your heart? If you did, then you would have already handed me your fear and negativity. ...
  6. How do we get over negative thoughts and fear?

    Hand me your fears and leave them with me. When I am here to receive it, why don’t you give it away? Why don’t you take my words to your heart? If you did, then you would have already handed me your fear and negativity. ...
  7. I feel like I am close to finding who I am. As I move close to this, I feel fear. Please advise me.

    When you think that you are walking alone on the path, fear will definitely be there. That’s how fear comes. When you know you have a guide and that there is someone who is taking you along the unknown, how can there be any fear? That is the reaso ...
  8. Whenever I want to do something, I am stopped by the fear of what might come of it. I always fear the worst possible outcome. How do I stop this?

    Never mind. Take a deep breath in and know that only the best will happen to you. Take it as my word, that Gurudev has said only the best will happen to me. ...
  9. Gurudev, you have said abhaya (fearlessness) is a divine quality. How to attain total fearlessness? I still have impressions of fear.

    In Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Patanjali says even for the most wise and educated, that which lingers on, is fear or abhinivesh. Nature has kept that somewhere. A deep sense of belongingness, love, dedication and a sense of sacrifice will help one to o ...
  10. How should I handle the fears in my kid’s mind?

    See, there isn’t much fear in the mind of a child. And even if there is, you should calmly explain to them and ask them to do some chanting, such as 'Om Namaha Shivaya', or just say 'Jai Gurudev', and all the fear drops off. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Mehr