What Sri Sri said today archive


  1. The Power Of Prayer

    Bangalore, India Audience: Gurudev, today is Kanakadas Jayati. There was a great saint in India. He was a shepherd in the 12th century Karnataka. He was called Kanakadasa. The 12th century was a time when there was a wave of devotion that swept through Ind ...
  2. Five Experiences You Must Have

    Bangalore, India Five days and experiences to really blossom in your life. One day you should spend with the farmers. Morning to night, spend the day with the farmers and see how they sow the seeds, how they water the plants and how they care for the plant ...
  3. Spirit Of Enquiry

    Bangalore, India There are six types of people who asks questions. The first type of person who asks questions is one who is sad or unhappy. Unhappy people ask questions but they do not listen to the answers. This is a fact, have you not experienced this? ...
  4. Worshiping The Gods

    Bangalore, India Please tell us something about Hanuman? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is said that the Ramayana is happening in your own body. Your soul is Rama, your mind is Sita, your breath or life-force is Hanuman, your awareness is Laxmana and your ego is ...
  5. Dealing With Anger

    Bangalore, India Gurudev, I am wondering whether you prepare for each Satsang beforehand or do you create the meditation on the spot? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is in the moment. I do not prepare anything. I am readymade (Laughter). How to deal with righteou ...
  6. You Are Blessed

    Bangalore, India Why do we do Paad Pooja (an ancient Indian ritual of welcoming a guest by washing his feet with water and flowers)? What is the significance of Paad Pooja? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: n the olden days when we received an honored guest in our hou ...
  7. Cause And Effect

    Bangalore, India   Gurudev, who did you learn all this from? Who taught you meditation? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Do you ask a poet or a writer whom did they learn from? They write it by themselves, isn’t it? If a poet or a writer copies content from here and ...