What Sri Sri said today archive


  1. Mistakes Simply Happen

    Bangalore, India (Below is a continuation of the post Train The Mind Again And Again) Gurudev, it is said that Lord Krishna forgave the 100 wicked deeds of his cousin Shishupala. But when Shishupala committed the 101th wicked deed, Lord Krishna hurled the ...
  2. Train The Mind Again And Again

    Bangalore, India Today, let us contemplate on the difference between Atma (the soul or the Self) and the mind.The soul is unchanging, and it is the same at all times, but the mind keeps on changing from time to time. This is why our mind has been linked to ...
  3. Face Life With Courage

    Gurudev, if all the pain I am going through in this life is because of the karmas of my previous life, then that makes me feel more sad. How do I face it? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Don’t keep your head turned backwards. Look ahead and move on. You are trying ...
  4. Surrender Is Very Powerful

    Gurudev, please speak on Surrender. Many times, people associate surrender to weakness. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know, the word Surrender has two aspects. One is the eastern aspect of surrender, and the other is from the western perspective. When you are ...
  5. Faith Brings Knowledge

    Bangalore, India Gurudev, in the Mahabharata who was closer to guru, Eklavya or Arjuna? How did Eklavya get such profound knowledge just with his Guru’s idol. How is that possible? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: 'Shraddhavan labhate jnanam matparassamyat indriyaha' ...
  6. The Most Ancient Literature

    Bali, Indonesia (Hindu experts from around the world gathered in Denpasar, Bali, to attend the second World Hindu Wisdom Meet. The meeting, discussed a Hindu based education system and the problems faced by Hindus around the world, especially in education. ...
  7. You And Your Guilt Conscience

    Bangalore, India Gurudev, sometimes I feel guilty for not feeling guilty. If I don’t feel guilty will the law of karma have any effect? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You don't need to worry about it. You don't have to force guilt on yourself. Actually the case is, ...
  8. Nothing Will Remain

    Rishikesh, Uttarakhand How can I gain the determination to face a situation? Or should I change my path? How can I know what is my dharma (duty)? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, we ask such questions many times. There is no dearth of knowledge about anything we ...
  9. Love So Divine

    Rishikesh, Uttarakhand Gurudev, how do we judge whether somebody loves us truly. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: From whomever you receive love, just know that it from the Divine. You are getting love from the one supreme energy.Your affection is also is toward that ...
  10. Gurudev's Message On Ram Navami

    Kolkata, West Bengal Gurudev, what does Ram mean? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Ram means the radiance within us; the light of the Self.The word ‘Ravi’ also means the same. ‘Ra’ means light, ‘vi’ means special. It means this special light within us that is eternal ...