What Sri Sri said today archive


  1. Time Moves Everything, But You Can Move Time

    Happy New Year to everybody!#2015: Twice a day (2) become empty (0) to become one (1) with the One who is beyond the five (5). Got it?The world is just a combination of the five elements. That which is beyond the five elements is the spirit. So become one ...
  2. Why Good People Suffer

    (Below is a continuation of the post Your Happiness Is Your Responsibility) Gurudev, it is often said that these are bad times for good people. We see this in our society that many times the wrong people end up winning and dominating others and come out a ...
  3. Your Happiness Is Your Responsibility

    You know, it is said that the solar plexus is the central point of our human body. It is the centre of gravity.The size of the solar plexus is found to be very large in yogis. If one does not meditate regularly, then it remains small in size; just like th ...
  4. To Err Is Human, To Forgive Is Divine

    When you have that deep urge to get rid of any bad habit, deep prayer will can change it. How many of you have experienced this? (Many in the audience raise hands) What is the relevance of morality in the real world when divinity is considered beyond mora ...
  5. The Secret To True Happiness

    Gurudev, is it practically possible to be ever smiling and happy in life you? What is your trade secret? I promise I’ll never compete with you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I want competition! I want everybody to compete with me! I don’t want that promise from y ...