What Sri Sri said today archive


  1. I don't need to catch you because you all belong to me

    The very meaning of Kailash is where there is only celebration, only joy, nothing else besides it. In the same way, Vaikunth is where Narayana resides, means a place where there is no lack of anything. Everything is in abundance, and there is all prosperit ...
  2. Intuition means that which simply comes up beyond reason

    Dear Guruji, I find it difficult to be natural with everyone. You have said we are closer to the Divine when we are natural. How can I be natural? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: What makes you unnatural is the fear that somebody may criticize you. Someone may think ...
  3. God exists and is listening to your pain

    Mahasatsang at Kolkata Today, the main purpose of my coming to Calcutta is to inaugurate Swami Vivekananda's one hundred and fiftieth birth anniversary celebrations. Swami Vivekananda left behind a dream in the hearts of India's youth - the dream that Indi ...
  4. There is only one God everywhere

    Gurudev, do you believe that prisons are right? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I consider prisons to be like hospitals. Like when someone’s body is sick, you take them to the hospital; like that, when someone’s actions are sick, they go to prison, only to get bette ...
  5. Let go and take refuge in the quiet corner of your heart

    How to overcome insecurity? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Insecurity is because you feel there is nobody for you. Wake up and see there is so much humanness, there is so much love in the world, and you don’t need to feel insecure. You are walking in the street and ...
  6. Every time you are confused you grow one step higher

    Are our emotions linked with age? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes. They are linked with hormones in the body and they are also linked with time, age and so many other factors. Gurudev, when are you going to come to my city? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Oh, don’t ask me ...
  7. Meditation is a journey from sound to silence

    It is so nice to be back in Berlin.So today we are talking about meditation, right!What is meditation? Why do we want meditation? In order to go deep within ourselves, to understand ourselves or to learn anything about ourselves we need to be in a cordial ...