What Sri Sri said today archive


  1. World Summit For Ethics And Leadership On Sports

    (The 2nd World Summit on Ethics & Leadership in Sports,at the FIFA Headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, was organized with the focus of bringing attention to the critical challenges related to sports governance such as match fixing, doping and human ri ...
  2. Gurudev Sri Sri's Message On Gowri Habba

    Did you all celebrate Gowri or Ganesha habba well?During the Gowri festival, we give bhagina. What does bhagina mean? Bhagina means fortune. We share our fortune with each others with the feeling that 'We are part of your life and you are part of our life ...
  3. Being A Good Human Being

    Gurudev, what is the parameter to call myself a good human being? Please guide me. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: An eye that can see beyond the obvious, ears that can give a patient hearing, an intellect that is free from prejudice, an intention to help those in ...
  4. The Underlying Unity Of The Creation

    (Below is the continuation of the post The Vastness Of The Unknown) Who is God? God is Satchitananda. ‘Sat’ means the Truth, the ultimate reality without a second. ‘Chit’ means the blissful Consciousness that is alive and complete with intelligence. It is ...
  5. Criticism: Face It With Courage

    (Below is the continuation of the post The Underlying Unity Of The Creation) If someone repeatedly insults or criticizes me, what should I do? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I tell you, if someone insults you, criticizes you, let them be! How much harm can they do ...
  6. The Vastness Of The Unknown

    One of the more recent and contemporary poets from Karnataka has composed a beautiful poem about Surrender, and whom should one seek refuge in. The verse says “Become a Sharanagati and take refuge in the fact that life is a great and deep secret”. The mor ...
  7. A Happy State Of Mind

    Are there different stages of being enlightened? What are the signs of enlightenment? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You need not worry about it. There are no different stages. Enlightenment is only one, that’s all. Are there different types of emptiness? Emptines ...
  8. The Power Of Self Reflection

    Gurudev, when I see enthusiastic people, what comes to my mind is that they are showing off. What do you think? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Why do you want to judge them? Let them do what they want to do. It seems that you have too much time on your hands. Do n ...
  9. The Secret to Unconditional Love

    Make your life a celebration, and celebrate everything. All the saints and great souls who have been born on Earth have given this very same message. They have always urged to uplift mankind and human values. The secret to unconditional love is to accept ...
  10. Realizing The Subtle Truths

    There are two perspectives of life:1. To see everything alive, like a person.2. To see everything as an object.When we were children, we used to see everything as a person, as a living entity. As a child, we would see the Sun smiling at us, and even the M ...