What Sri Sri said today archive


  1. An Easy Way To Forgive

    Singing is essential. It should be a part of our life. Even before we started talking, we started humming. Every human being, every bird, and most of the animals sing because singing is part of the expression of life. Spending a few minutes with music eve ...
  2. Meditation For A Fresh Mind

    (Below is a continuation of post What Makes A Great Warrior) Dear Gurudev, I know that it is a recommended not to think during meditation, but all my best ideas come to me exactly when I sit for meditation in the morning. I don’t want to miss them and so ...
  3. How The Awareness Of Death Brings More Life

    Time and life is such, it comes like a storm and swabs your mind. Let me put it this way: the negativity comes like a storm and takes over your mind and swabs you out. Hasn’t this happened to you? (Many in the audience raise their hands). It does happen. ...
  4. To Make The World A Better Place

    (Below is a continuation of post How The Awareness Of Death Brings More Life​) Does everyone have to find his calling and how to do it? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You have already done it. Your calling has come and that is why you are here at The Art of Living ...
  5. Making A Difference

    (Below is the continuation of Make The World A Better Place) Gurudev, as a budding writer, what seva can I do? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is very good that you can write. There is a lot of work that you can do. Contact our website team and our ABC (Art of L ...
  6. Making A Better World

    There are problems in life but we have to collectively work towards them and overcome them. We are so fortunate that we have this knowledge. This organization is now 35 years, and this is what we have been doing, coming together and solving problems. Many ...
  7. Meditation: The Fastest Way To A Quiet Mind

    (Below is a continuation of post Making A Better World) Gurudev, what is better, doing one’s daily spiritual practices, or doing smarana (remembering God), or just observing the thoughts as they come and go? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You shouldn’t split it li ...
  8. How To Handle Politics

    (Below is a continuation of post Making A Difference) Dear Gurudev, I am involved in several community service projects, and have many leadership positions, and now the politics around me is bothering me and making me less effective. Please advice. Sri Sr ...
  9. Tough People Make You Strong

    All the knowledge that I have listened to, seems to vanish out of my being when my mother-in-law comes to visit. How can one forget and forgive someone who is constantly behaving in a harsh manner? Please give the advice to the mother-in-law. Sri Sri Ravi ...
  10. See God In All You Meet

    (Below is a continuation of the post Tough People Make You Strong) Dear Gurudev, is it possible to be your devotee and a devotee of Jesus at the same time? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Listen, if you are a devotee, it is good enough. There is only one consciousn ...