Wisdom Search


  1. Gurudev, you have said that everything changes in this world. I want to know if knowledge also changes from time to time. We have been reading the same Bhagavad Gita for several years. Is it still relevant?

    Knowledge has different levels of understanding. At different states of consciousness knowledge reveals a different aspect (of itself). Knowledge does not change, it is there, but it gives you a higher meaning when your consciousness opens up; when yo ...
  2. Gurudev, in the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna has spoken about Ananya sharan bhaava (having a sense of total surrender to the Lord). Please speak a bit more about this. Also please explain what is meant by Gopi bhaava.

    Gopi bhaava is a feeling of innocence and deep love. The word Gopi means those who have soaked and drank the knowledge so completely and totally that nothing else remains. When one is so deeply immersed in knowledge, then only love remains. S ...
  3. Gurudev, in the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna has spoken about Ananya sharan bhaava (having a sense of total surrender to the Lord). Please speak a bit more about this. Also please explain what is meant by Gopi bhaava.

    Gopi bhaava is a feeling of innocence and deep love. The word Gopi means those who have soaked and drank the knowledge so completely and totally that nothing else remains. When one is so deeply immersed in knowledge, then only love remains. S ...
  4. Gurudev, Dasha Mahavidyas (ten cosmic personalities of Divine Mother) are worshipped in Navratri. What are these and what significance do they have in our daily lives?

    Yes, ten Mahavidyas are there. I also don’t know the complete thing about them. Whatever Vidya (knowledge) we study and understand with our intellect is limited. What we get through silence and meditation is Mahavidya (grea ...
  5. Gurudev, you have given us everything: knowledge, love, blessings, joy; everything we could possibly need. There is one thing you have not given us – which is your mobile number. When can I have it?

    (Laughter) Look, I do not always carry my mobile with me. But I anyway catch whatever you are thinking. You and me both have this powerful mind which invented the mobile. So we can connect directly with that. Where is the need for mobile? Are y ...
  6. What is the significance of Yoga Vashishtha in day-to-day life? I tried reading the book but I found it very difficult to understand.

    You may not be able to understand Yoga Vashishtha in one go(a sacred scripture that elaborates on the Creation and the path of liberation through the enlightening dialogue between Sage Vashishtha and Lord Rama). So you must keep reading it again and ...
  7. Gurudev, can you please speak about the Manusmriti (Meaning “Laws of Manu”, referring to a text that expounds the code of laws & Dharma that should govern an individual and the society)? Is it relevant today?

    See, Manusmriti was written by a king called Manu. He was a very wise king. A few lines in the Manusmriti which talk about how women should always be protected or a little bit about caste system (referring to the prescribed nature and profess ...
  8. Gurudev, what is the purpose of my life? Why am I here on this planet and in the same era as you are? There has to be a purpose for this life. How will I know that?

    There is a very good purpose. There is so much work to do; so much Seva needs to be done. Join the Volunteer for Better India initiative (VBI). There is so much Seva being done and the nation needs you. Do your Seva, Sadhana, and Satsang. Spread the joy an ...
  9. Gurudev, I have a lot of knowledge but very little devotion. How do I go from knowledge towards devotion?

    First stop thinking that you have little devotion. Who says that you do not have devotion? It is there and in abundance. It can never be less. If you want it grow more, read the Narada Bhakti Sutra (A scripture on aphorisms of Divine Love by Sage Na ...
  10. Gurudev, can too much knowledge make a person sad? I think that is what is happening to my father.

    No, that is not possible. First of all, there is no such thing as too much knowledge. For example, if it is raining, then that is knowledge. What is more knowledge or less knowledge about that? If it stops raining, does any person know more or any less abo ...