Wisdom Search


  1. Gurudev, I generally smoke every day. If I smoke after leaving the Ashram or after doing the Sudarshan Kriya, will there be any effect? In other words, should I quit smoking?

    You absolutely should. Have you not noticed that in all advertisements for cigarettes there is a warning message that says, “Smoking is injurious to health”. So you should leave smoking. It is like diving in the swimming pool. You do not hol ...
  2. Despite doing sadhana (spiritual practices) and seva (service), why do I find it difficult to give up some habits or tendencies?

    This is because of greed. This happens because somewhere you feel that you are going to get some comfort out of that habit, although you do not really get anything out of it. It is just that greed for some joy or comfort keeps you stuck in the habit, ...
  3. Gurudev, what should I do so that I can put an end to my habit of abusing others with bad words?

    Okay, just remind yourself that you will have to spend Rs. 20,000 every time you speak bad words. For every bad word you use, you are going to lose Rs. 20,000. If you think that Rs. 20,000 is a small amount, you can raise the penalty to Rs. 1 Lakh.
  4. How do I get over Bulimia? I need your help.

    Take a long time to eat your food. When eating, feel the food, sense it, chew it 32 times and you will find satisfaction. So if you are given a bunch of grapes, keep each grape in your mouth and eat it with full awareness.Bulimic people tend to gulp ...
  5. Even though I know what is good for me, I still am still attracted to self destructive habits such as laziness and selfishness. I feel like it has something to do with my childhood. What is the best way to remember what is forgotten from the early years?

    When you label yourself saying, 'I am lazy', you justify being lazy. If you label yourself saying, 'I am bad', it gives one the license to remain bad. Do you see what I am saying? The first step is to remove these labels, peel them ...
  6. Gurudev, to gain something is it necessary to lose something? What if I want both the things?

    To achieve something big, you should leave something small. If you keep a pebble in your hand and say you want something very big, how is it possible? You first need to drop the pebble. <br> As soon as you realize the importance of a big thin ...
  7. Dearest Gurudev, how to overcome a long withstanding habit of drugs?

    Just make a promise before you leave from here that you will never touch it! And if it is someone else that you are talking about, bring them here and let them do several Sudarshan Kriyas and it will be gone. Hundreds and thousands of peop ...
  8. How do we come out of bad habits? These impressions keep coming to us again and again.

    To come out of bad habits, do more pranayama. It also depends on the people we spend time with. If you have too much free time, bad habits come to your mind. If you engage yourself in serving the society, these bad habits will go by themselves. ...
  9. In my school, almost all the children say bad words, how can I control myself from saying these words? And how can I help them to stop saying these words?

    You have the power. You are superman, I tell you. You be determined, ‘I will not say any bad words.’ Do you know, I have not said one bad word all these years? So when I could do it, you can also do it. Never has it come to me, even when I was upset. ...
  10. Why does someone get addicted or attracted to non healthy habits like smoking, drinking, etc.?

    Because you feel that you are going to get some pleasure out of it, that is why you get addicted to it. Meditation is a big help in removing you from addictions. ...