Wisdom Search


  1. Could you speak about how reality seems so real yet it is unreal?

    Best example is your own dreams. When you are dreaming, it looks so real but when you wake up it is unreal. That’s it. So easy! Why are you throwing such easy questions at me? Give me some challenging questions! ...
  2. It is said that everything is a dream. In whose dream am I? Am I in your dream or are you in mine, or are we both are in a common dream? If it is dream, how does it have rules and patterns?

    What is a dream? It is an impression of a memory. Wake up and at this very moment you will see that the entire past appears as a dream. It is all just a memory. It is just an impression in the mind and nothing else! So, everything is an im ...
  3. Gurudev, is destiny bigger than determination? For example, if someone is destined to become a manager, can he become an actor?

    Hold on to your dreams, one day, it will come true. I was also a student in this same city. I thought I should go around the world and unite people of all countries as one family. People thought I was crazy! When you have some vision like that, peo ...
  4. Gurudev, do you get dreams?

    I have a dream for the country. I want to see a corruption-free, violence-free, stress-free and happy society. ...
  5. Gurudev, I get bad dreams at night, and this happens very frequently. I am afraid. Please help.

    There is no need to fear. Just chant Om Namah Shivaya before sleeping at night, or Jai Gurudev, or you can say both and then sleep. See in our country, and in other countries around the world, before sleeping, children were made to say pr ...
  6. How to accept a person or a spouse as they are?

    I have no experience in this! I think you can turn around and find many who can give a lot of advice. Ask them and see which one works for you! This is where Vedanta comes into the practical side of life. You will see the whole past is gone, it is like ...
  7. Why can’t we remember our dreams sometimes? Is it the quality of our food, or are we not meditating?

    We don’t need to remember all the dreams. It is good that we don’t remember them. Then, we are more in the present moment. A dream is a dream, it is gone. ...
  8. Gurudev, when you are present before me, it all looks surreal like a dream. And when you are not there before me, then too everything appears like a dream. Why is it so?

    It is good that you understand all of it to be a dream. And you should wake up (to the reality) from this dream. ...