Wisdom Search


  1. Why do we keep seeking love, even though we know we are love?

    This is my question to you. You only know it intellectually. Perhaps, you don't know it existentially. Many times, we know it here in the head but we don't know it in the heart. And that's the reason we are unable to put it into practice because it is n ...
  2. If we need to be in love without an object, then why does my heart explode at the sight of a man I like?

    Oh! Good, that is a good explosion, but let it not explode at the sight of every man you meet. Both will be in trouble then. Anything can trigger it, Instead of looking at the outside, look at the feeling it triggers, focus on the energy that has explod ...
  3. Yoga says, 'We are mind, body and soul', but Buddha says that there is no soul. Then who is a human being? Also, I would like to have some guidance to practice unconditional love.

    It’s just a matter of saying. If a cup is half full and half empty, someone can say that it is half empty and somebody else can say that it is half full. In Buddha’s time, people already had a lot of concepts about Self, God and everything. ...
  4. I have two regrets in life. First, I am overweight. Second, I couldn’t be with the girl that I love the most. Can you please help with the second case? I am already working on the first one!

    When you have gone through all that polishing, become hollow and empty, you will see that you come out of the cocoon like a butterfly! This is what knowledge does, it cleanses our mind from all this; cravings, aversions, sorrows and regrets are taken aw ...
  5. What according to you is the definition of love?

    Very simple. That which cannot be defined is love. If you have never experienced love, there is no chance that you will experience it in the future. So there is no definition. You are made up of love my dear. This whole universe is made up of this one t ...
  6. Gurudev, why is self-love so difficult?

    It is not difficult at all. Self is love, do you get it?From childhood you have been told that you are bad, and it is the mind which is the enemy of the self. Through this knowledge the mind understands that 'I am love and I don’t nee ...
  7. Gurudev, why do you love me so much?

    Keep asking this question again and again, and you will get the answer. You will then see that all your complaints and troubles disappear. I tell you, you should ask this question to everyone whenever a complaint of some sort arises in your mind. Whenev ...
  8. It is said that love is a divine quality. But I find that others get troubled by my love. Please guide me.

    It is because you have understood love as an act or an emotion. Love is your very nature, my dear. Your persona always radiates and exudes love. A candle or a lamp does not make any efforts to spread its light on to others. It remains where it is and ra ...
  9. I always feel angry and annoyed. I also feel lonely and do not have an intimate relationship. How can I change?

    Yes, you have stated your problem and its diagnosis also. When there is loneliness in life, when you feel life has no juice or enthusiasm, when you feel there is nobody to love or to express your feelings to, then in times like this you should first of ...
  10. How to keep on loving without expecting. How is it possible? In love expectations arise and if not fulfilled, it hurts.

    Yes, you will have to go through these gymnastics. If you have wisdom, you don’t have to go through the pain to learn. When there is lack of wisdom, you go through pain, but you will come out of it in sometime, don’t worry. T ...