Wisdom Search


  1. In Ashtavakra Gita, you mention that life is formed from three things: seeds, eggs and space. How is life formed from space?

    Everything comes in space, stays in space and dissolves in space. You must study space. Then you will see that nothing other than space exists. Everything is formed in space. ...
  2. (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible)

    Yes, they are similar. Buddha said, ‘everything is emptiness’, and Adi Shankara said, ‘everything is full’. Buddha said, ‘life is sorrow’, and Adi Shankara said, ‘life is bliss’. What Buddha said is right for the first instance. Unless you s ...
  3. If we have to become 'hollow and empty', why do we have to fill our minds with knowledge?

    A thorn has to remove another thorn. See, this is like asking, what is the need to put soap on your body when you have to wash it off anyways. To wash clothes, what do you do? You put the soap and then you wash it away. Similarly, it is like ...
  4. Gurudev, if what we see and hear is not the truth and yet our mind experiences life and the world only through our senses. So if 99.9% of all our actions are based on wrong view, what is the use of partaking in any actions?

    Even that action is also not real. Whatever action you do is also not real. If everything is not real then not just your thought but your action is also unreal. ...
  5. Gurudev, I know that the path of truth is supreme. However, one has to lie a little bit in business.

    Yes! In business, one can speak lies to some extent, as much as there is salt in the food. If you speak too many lies, you are likely to get into trouble. And if you do not add any salt, you will not be able to eat the food. So if lies exceed a certain lim ...
  6. Gurudev, what is the importance of a name? If there is nothing, then why do Swamis and Rishis after becoming Swamis and Rishis, get a new name?

    It is an ancient tradition. A name is an inspiration. Swamis and Rishis get a new name because a new chapter of their life has begun, from being somebody to becoming really nobody. ...
  7. Gurudev, a few days back you said that Arjuna's seat is empty. I want to apply for that post. Am I fit? How should I give my application to you Guruji?

    It is already done. This question itself is an application. Now, keep applying all the knowledge that you have heard. ...
  8. Gurudev, I want to remain neutral, neither positive nor negative. When I tell my husband, ‘I have no problems with you. You are allowed to do what you wish to do?’ It sounds negative. Is it negative even though I feel good and relieved to feel this way?

    Yes, he may feel that you don’t care for him when you tell him, ‘you can do what you want to do, irrelevant I am happy.’ He may think that this lady doesn’t care for me. If you are feeling relieved, then that is good. What is there in words? You ...
  9. Gurudev, how do you want us to spend the remaining of our life? As a follower or a devotee?

    Do you think devotees are not followers or followers are not devotees? It is better not to label yourself as something. I want you to be happy, content and wish for the highest knowledge, for the ultimate. Move forward with your focus on the ulti ...
  10. Q: Guruji, how to learn to let go?

    Take a deep breath in and hold. That’s it! Now you know how to let go. ...