Wisdom Search


  1. Gurudev, what is the relation between knowledge and devotion? Can devotion be fruitful without knowledge?

    Now suppose you are fond of Rasgullas (a sweet) only then you will have a desire to eat it, right? How can you desire for something that you do not know anything about? How will you even desire or like it? So liking it is Bhakti. And wh ...
  2. Dear Guruji, when you mentioned that rich people get richer and poor people become poorer when they think that they lack. Is there some way that nature compensates for these imbalances?

    Yes, through knowledge. That is why we need to encourage everyone to be self confident and come out of this ‘lack’ consciousness. Those who have should start serving. Those who don’t have, they should start knowing that they will get what they need ...
  3. Gurudev, what is the significance of chanting the name of God? In Maharashtra, it is said that if one keeps chanting the name of Vittala with all his heart, he gets all the benefits of doing yoga.

    We do it every evening in satsang, anyway! We are chanting the name of the Divine. Yes, as you by keeping on doing japa (chanting) you come to a state of ajapa (practice of japa without the mental effort normally needed to repeat the man ...
  4. Dearest Guruji, this precious tradition of knowledge that we are in, what is the root of it? And how long are we going to continue?

    Root of it I don’t know. It is from thousands and thousands of years. It is not five, six, seven or ten thousand, no! It from thousands of years; we don’t know. Nobody knows. Maybe as old as the consciousness. ...
  5. Three Levels of Knowledge

    There are three type of knowledge or information that we get. One is through the five senses. You see and you get some knowledge, you listen and you get some knowledge, you smell and you get information and through taste and touch you get information. The ...
  6. Ram means the light within me, the light in my heart

    (Festival of Ram Navami, April 1, 2012) Ram means light. The root of words like rays and radiance comes from ram. Ra means radiance. Ma means me, mine, myself. Ram means the light within me, the light in my heart. Ram, of course, is the name of Lord Rama, ...
  7. Gurudev, you have said the knowledge about the self is most important, then why is it kept so secret and difficult to attain?

    In fact it is not kept a secret anymore. Unfortunately in the past, people kept all that is very precious and very good and useful for people a secret out of their selfishness. But now it is open to everybody. Pranayama was not taught to everybody, it was ...
  8. Gurudev, what is the difference between Upanishad and Purana? Which should I read?

    Upanishad is pure knowledge, and the Purana is coupled with stories. Do you know what the meaning of Purana is? It means ultra modern, or the newest thing is called Purana. The meaning of Purana in Sanskrit is dif ...
  9. Gurudev, before the war Arjuna felt that after killing the Kauravas he will be happy. But his mindset changed after reaching the battlefield. Similarly, in satsang we nod our heads in affirmation, but when time comes to apply the knowledge points, it feels very difficult.

    I tell you, take this one sutra – ‘Whatever is easiest and effortless for me I will do only that.’ There is nothing easier in life than the knowledge sutras. What appears to be difficult is actually easy and what appears to be easy is actually diff ...
  10. Gurudev, does one attain knowledge according to his karma?

    For attaining knowledge the desire for knowledge should be awakened. Now if you ask me, is the desire for knowledge based on one’s karma? Yes! But knowledge eliminates karma. ...