Wisdom Search


  1. This begins a new practice

    Beyond an event is Knowledge. Beyond a person is love. Beyond an object is infinity. Knowledge is not in an event; it is beyond an event. If you take one event and infer anything from one event-- infer knowledge-- it will be erroneous knowledge. Say Nancy ...
  2. Anasuya

    Knowledge will be different at different levels of consciousness. At a particular level of consciousness you will become anasuya. Anasuya is devoid of fault-finding eyes. If a mirror is dusty, you need a duster to clean it. But if your eyes have a catarac ...
  3. Be a Gopal

    Like fish in the water, you are in air. Thoughts are in mind. Mind is in Big Mind. The Big Mind in Me is love. Emotions are ripples in love. Love is all Knowledge. Every atom of Big Mind is crammed with Knowledge. Knowing this, you stop seeking. You seek ...
  4. The only thing you must remember is how fortunate you are

    When you forget this you become sad. Sorrow indicates your negative qualities, and your attachment to your positive qualities. When you think you are too good, you blame the world; then you become sad. The purpose of sorrow is to bring you back to the sel ...
  5. The Washing Machine

    Our body is like a washing machine, our mind is like cloth, each lifetime is one run or cycle, and Knowledge is detergent. The mind comes into the body to get cleansed and pure. But instead of detergent, if you use dirt, then you have dirty clothes. Pure ...
  6. Vivek

    When you follow fun, misery follows you... When you follow Knowledge, fun follows you. ...
  7. Sanyas

    Sanyas means what? I am nothing and I want nothing, or I am everything and I have everything. And Sanyas is being colorless or multicolored. Your association or company can either elevate you or push you down. Company causes first an attraction and then d ...
  8. Indigestion Of Knowledge

    Indigestion of knowledge leads to development of a false ego which has no cure. Knowledge must be digested properly. Indigestion of knowledge leads to: False ego Disinterestedness; taking for granted; lack of awareness Familiarity without understanding, w ...
  9. Unknown Knowledge

    Do you recall this from last week's Knowledge sheet? "P.S. Next week everyone write a knowledge sheet with your news flash and send it with your name on it. Fax it to 1-805-565-3538 (USA) or mail it to your national center." It seems that G ...
  10. Recycling and hygiene

    Everything here is recycled. The earth is 200 million years old- the Alps, the water, the air. Billions of people have breathed the same air. All the particles in your body are old, you are recycled. Your thoughts and emotions are recycled, mind is recycl ...