Wisdom Search


  1. Gurudev, when Mahmud of Ghazni attacked the Somnath temple in Gujarat, then the Pundit of the temple told everyone that Lord Shiva will help us and there is no need to fight. All the soldiers surrendered their weapons but even then they were defeated. So who is the ultimate God?

    See, that was a wrong thing they did. Shiva is there but he tells everyone to do their dharma, to fight against injustice. Otherwise why should Shiva have a trishul in his own hand? You have seen, all the Gods and Goddesses have shastras (wea ...
  2. Dear Guruji, in the Gita it says, ‘Avyaktahi Gatir Dukham’, when we worship the un-manifest it leads to misery. Is it necessary to have a form for worship or can we meditate without a form?

    Meditation happens without a form, but before getting into meditation a form would be essential. It could be any form. That is why Lord Krishna says, you need to have a guide, a teacher, a Guru. Jesus also has said the same thing; if you want to go ...