Wisdom Search


  1. Gurudev, I understand the importance of seva, but at the moment, nothing but knowing myself is important. And seva feels like a distraction to me. What to do?

    Does a baby want to know the mother? Does a baby want to make the mother an object of knowing? Does any baby ever ask the mother, ‘Mommy, where did you study? First tell me. Give me your introduction; show me your bio-data. Then I will love you.’ A ba ...
  2. How do I bang on the door with such a force? I have been out and in and without a raincoat and shivering. Is TTC the next natural step?

    Yes, do it. You know Pre-TTC is good; it brings a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Everybody should first do Pre-TTC. Whether you want to do Teachers Training or not, is the next step. But these two weekends of Pre-TTC is good, you learn a lot. Your potential ...
  3. Gurudev, I have everything but still I feel such emptiness in my life. Please guide, what should I be doing?

    That is good, it is the first step. First you empty everything and then you become full. Satsang and knowledge is the best filler to the emptiness. ...
  4. Gurudev, it is said on the path one should drop everything and be free of purpose or goals. I am a busy executive, without a purpose how can I take responsibility?

    See there are two things Pravittri and Nivritti. Do not mix the two. There are two attitudes that we have to pay attention to. One is, when you go inward (Nivritti) you think that everyt ...
  5. But she doesn’t understand. She does not do Kriya either. Even if I force her, she doesn’t do Kriya. Please take care of both my father and mother.

    Now you have given your work to me! Aren’t you supposed to take care of them? Anyway, I am doing my work. See, this is what is happening. People keep saying ‘Guruji, do this, do that’. I keep getting orders from everywhere. ...
  6. Dear Guruji, I have become free from materialistic things, desires and feverishness to a great extent, but when it comes to you, my thirst keeps increasing. What is the solution for this?

    It is okay. When one withdraws from the materialistic world, and moves towards the self, this is what happens. It brings some essence in life and life is not dull. The path is not dull. And there should be some essence (ras) in life, isn’t it? Othe ...
  7. Gurudev, like you said what we want in life we should know that we already have it. Can I feel the same for a person in my life whom I want?

    Yes, it may happen but there is no guarantee that it will happen in this lifetime. It may happen in the next lifetime or after ten lifetimes. That is why I said that an intention will fructify at its own time. ...
  8. What causes me to lose my connection to you many times, only to find it again? Can you comment on this? Is this going to change one day?

    Know that the loosing of connection is an illusion and having the connection is the reality. Sometimes, when there are dark clouds, the blue sky doesn’t appear. The blue sky has not gone anywhere. In a few moments, those dark clouds will disappear. Sk ...
  9. I want to lose my mind, what do I do?

    Just sit here when the hollow and empty meditation is happening and the mind automatically dissolves. Your wanting to lose it is the problem. Just be! However the mind is let it be. If it is full of garbage say, ‘Okay, let it be.’ All the garbage in y ...