Wisdom Search


  1. Some say that there are aliens living on Earth, some with a negative agenda, others with a positive agenda. Is this true?

    In imagination, anything is possible. In a movie, anything is possible. 2012, everything will go under the water and you cling to some satellite, and go with the President of the United States to another planet! ...
  2. Have you been in a casino before, just for fun?

    I think I create one every evening, where everyone sings and dances and are happy. No, I have never been in a casino, where people gamble, isn’t it? ...
  3. Gurudev, today I felt very sad for some reason, but after seeing and listening to you over the web, I feel so happy. Your magic is casting a world wide web. Did you catch my thoughts today?

    I can catch you; I don't need to catch your thoughts. Thoughts come and go, don’t own them. You don't own them and I don't own it. But I don't need to catch you because you all belong to me. If you are different from me only then I need to catch you. You ...
  4. I read in one of the knowledge books that ‘Fear is love standing upside down.’ Is love also fear standing upside down?

    If you look at it from the other side, if you are upside down, then you will see it is upside down. Got it? ...
  5. What are feelings?

    You have one? That is exactly what it is. ...
  6. You said earlier tonight, that you have everything in abundance but time. How do I deal with it?

    Oh, I don’t know, I want you to tell me how do I deal with it? I don’t have time, I have been asked to come everywhere. Already my calendar for 2012 is finished, the whole calendar is over and dates are over. Not only me, but for some of our teachers 2013 ...
  7. When I close my eyes, often visions come.

    Let them come, no problem. ...
  8. What do I do if I cannot afford the courses and they are expensive for me?

    Definitely you can do it. Talk to the teacher or the volunteer and they will give you a scholarship. We never stop anybody because they cannot afford. Talk to the teachers and they will do something. ...
  9. Dear Guruji, could you please talk about abortion.

    Well, I have no opinion about it. ...
  10. Why do you wear a beard?

    I am too lazy to shave every day. I thought I can spend that time doing something else. In India, people who are in the spiritual field, either they shave everything or keep everything. This is the uniform, so I prefer to keep everything. But it ...