What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. Sri Sri’s Message on World Environment Day

    "If the mind is polluted with negativity, how can the environment be clean? A happy state of mind is crucial towards a pollution-free environment. Click To Tweet Today is World Environmental Day. You know, environment is not just the plants, trees, and mou ...
  2. 4 Ways of Dealing with Challenging People

    When someone does something wrong or misbehaves with us, what do we do? In our day-to-day lives, we come across challenging situations or exchanges with people where we aren’t sure what the right approach to deal with the situation is. The following four ...
  3. How to Handle Office Politics

    "Water is never scared of mud. If something is muddy, assume you are water – and you can wash it all off. Just remember this!" Click To Tweet #1 Wherever there are people, politics is bound to be there. Don’t shy away from it and don’t worry about it – you ...
  4. 10 Qualities Of An Effective Leader

    "A good leader is truthful, equanimous, transparent, farsighted and has a pleasant personality. He or she has a mission, a vision, a spirit of sacrifice, compassion and commitment." Leadership is a manifestation of strong love and compassion for people. It ...
  5. Management Mantras for Success

    It is easy to create a company and it is easy to prosper as well, but the real challenge lies in sustaining a company, which is also the underlying factor that decided whether you are successful or not. Here are four management mantras or pointers by Guru ...
  6. Transcript of What Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Said at his 61st Birthday Celebrations

    "If you hate anybody, drop that today. Even if you have the slightest hatred against anybody in your mind, or any type of prejudice, you should leave it today. This is the gift you need to give me. Click To Tweet In temples, deities are covered with so man ...
  7. Excerpts from the Townhall with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar- in conversation with Barkha Dutt

    "First you have to find happiness within yourself, then you can share it with everyone else. Click To Tweet Barkha Dutt: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our special series - The Townhall.The Townhall is a program that brings the biggest news makers of Ind ...
  8. How to Face Your Mistakes and Move Ahead

    Spontaneity is the sign of a vibrant life, and you can't be spontaneous if you are brooding over your mistakes. When you are spontaneous, you don't chew on the past. You don’t chew on your mistakes or the mistakes of others. You must remember - it is not o ...
  9. Cosmetic Dermatology World Conference- A Transcript of What Sri Sri Said

    "When the beauty inside blossoms, the older you get, the more beautiful you look. Click To Tweet Honorable President of this conference, and the members and delegates who have come from all over the world to participate in this 12th annual conference. Cong ...
  10. A Message on Buddha Purnima

    "For a moment, wake up and see, this is all a dream, and discard everything. Immediately you get connected to the universal power, to the truth that you are made up of! Click To Tweet Today is Buddha Purnima, the day Buddha was born. He got enlightened, he ...